Geosphere : GeometryClass

GeoSphere - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - classID: #(0, 32670) 




<GeoSphere>.creationMethod Integer default: 1 -- alias: Creation_Method 

Sets the creation method:

0 - Diameter (Draws a geosphere from edge to edge.)

1 - Center (Draws a geosphere from the center out.)

<GeoSphere>.typeInPos Point3 default: [0,0,0] 

The point3 position of the geosphere.

<GeoSphere>.typeInRadius Float default: 25.0 

The radius of the geosphere.

<GeoSphere>.radius Float default: 25.0 -- animatable 

The radius of the geosphere.

<GeoSphere>.segs Integer default: 4 -- animatable, alias: segments 

The total number of faces in the geosphere. The number of faces in a geosphere is equal to the sides of the base polyhedron times the segments squared.

Lower segment values work best. Using the maximum segment value of 200 can generate up to 800,000 faces, impairing performance.

<GeoSphere>.baseType Integer default: 2 -- alias: Base_Type 

Sets the type of basic geometry for the geosphere:

0 - Tetra (Based on a four-sided tetrahedron. The triangular facets can vary in shape and size. The sphere can be divided into four equal segments.)

1 - Octa (Based on an eight-sided octahedron. The triangular facets can vary in shape and size. The sphere can be divided into eight equal segments.)

2 - Icosa (Based on a 20-sided icosahedron. The facets are all equally sized equilateral triangles. The sphere can be divided into any number of equal segments, based on multiples and divisions of 20 faces.)

<GeoSphere>.smooth Boolean default: true -- animatable 

When on, applies smoothing groups to the surface of the sphere.

<GeoSphere>.hemisphere Boolean default: false -- animatable 

When on, creates a half-sphere.

<GeoSphere>.baseToPivot Boolean default: false -- alias: Base_to_Pivot 

Sets the pivot point location. When on, the pivot is at the bottom of the sphere. When off, the pivot is at the center of the sphere. This option has no effect when Hemisphere is on.

<GeoSphere>.mapCoords Boolean default: false -- alias: Generate_mapping_coords 

When on, applies default mapping coordinates to the geosphere.




.realWorldMapSize: boolean : Read|Write 

Enables/disables the real-world map size option.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.