Plane : GeometryClass

Plane - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - classID: #(136257020, 2002153317) 


meshGrid ... 


<Plane>.typeinCreationMethod Integer default: 0 -- alias: Creation_Method 

Set the creation method:

0- Rectangle (Creates the plane primitive from one corner to the diagonally opposite corner, interactively setting different values for length and width.)

1- Square (Creates a square plane where length and width are equal.)

<Plane>.typeinPos Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- alias: type_in_position

Position of the plane in the World Space Coordinate system.

<Plane>.typeinLength Float default: 25.0 

Length of the plane object.

<Plane>.typeinWidth Float default: 25.0 

Width of the plane object.

<Plane>.length Float default: 25.0 -- animatable 

Length of the plane object.

<Plane>.width Float default: 25.0 -- animatable 

Width of the plane object.

<Plane>.lengthsegs Integer default: 4 -- animatable, alias: Length_Segments 

Number of divisions along the length of the plane object.

<Plane>.widthsegs Integer default: 4 -- animatable, alias: Width_Segments 

Number of divisions along the width of the plane object.

<Plane>.density Float default: 1.0 -- animatable 

Specifies the factor by which the number of segments in both length and width are multiplied at render time.

<Plane>.renderScale Float default: 1.0 -- animatable, alias: Render_Scale 

Specifies the factor by which both length and width are multiplied at render time. Scaling is performed from the center outward.

<Plane>.mapCoords Boolean default: false --alias: Mapping 

When on, generates texture coordinates for applying mapped materials to the plane.


The renderScale property is a multiplier applied to the Plane's length and width property values at render time.

The density property is a multiplier applied to the Plane's lsegs and wsegs property values at render time.




.realWorldMapSize: boolean : Read|Write 

Enables/disables the real-world map size option. Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.