UConstraint - superclass: helper; super-superclass:node - 48:0 - classID: #(1418738174, 1341607350)
This helper is part of the MassFX Dynamics Simulation toolset.
Available in 3ds Max 2012 and higher.
UConstraint ... nvConstraint ...
<UConstraint>.body0 UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node
Get/set the Parent Body node.
<UConstraint>.body1 UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node
Get/set the Child Body node.
<UConstraint>.breakable BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the Breakable checkbox.
<UConstraint>.maxForce Float default: 100.0 -- float; Max_Force
Get/set the Max. Force value. Used when Breakable is set to true.
<UConstraint>.maxTorque Float default: 10.0 -- float; Max_Torque
Get/set the Max. Torque value. Used when Breakable is set to true.
<UConstraint>.linearModeX Integer default: 1 -- integer; Linear_ModeX
Get/set the X Translation Limit's mode.
Possible values are:
0 - Locked
1 - Limited
2 - Free
<UConstraint>.linearModeY Integer default: 1 -- integer; Linear_ModeY
Get/set the Y Translation Limit's mode.
Possible values are:
0 - Locked
1 - Limited
2 - Free
<UConstraint>.linearModeZ Integer default: 1 -- integer; Linear_ModeZ
Get/set the Z Translation Limit's mode.
Possible values are:
0 - Locked
1 - Limited
2 - Free
<UConstraint>.linearPosition Float default: 100.0 -- float; Linear_Position
Get/set the value of the Limit Radius property.
<UConstraint>.linearRestitution Float default: 0.0 -- float; Linear_Restitution
Get/set the value of the Bounce property.
<UConstraint>.linearSpring Float default: 0.0 -- float; Linear_Spring
Get/set the value of the Spring property.
<UConstraint>.linearDamping Float default: 0.0 -- float; Linear_Damping
Get/set the value of the Damping property.
<UConstraint>.swing1Mode Integer default: 1 -- integer; Swing_1_Mode
Get/set the state of the Swing Y mode radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - Locked
1 - Limited
2 - Free
<UConstraint>.swing1Angle Float default: 45.0 -- float; Swing_1_Angle
Get/set the value of the Swing Y > Angle Limit property.
<UConstraint>.swing1Restitution Float default: 0.1 -- float; Swing_1_Resitution
Get/set the value of the Swing Y > Bounce property.
<UConstraint>.swing1Spring Float default: 0.0 -- float; Swing_1_Spring
Get/set the value of the Swing Y > Spring property.
<UConstraint>.swing1Damping Float default: 0.0 -- float; Swing_1_Damping
Get/set the value of the Swing Y > Damping property.
<UConstraint>.swing2Mode Integer default: 1 -- integer; Swing_2_Mode
Get/set the state of the Swing Z mode radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - Locked
1 - Limited
2 - Free
<UConstraint>.swing2Angle Float default: 45.0 -- float; Swing_2_Angle
Get/set the value of the Swing Z > Angle Limit property.
<UConstraint>.swing2Restitution Float default: 0.1 -- float; Swing_2_Resitution
Get/set the value of the Swing Z > Bounce property.
<UConstraint>.swing2Spring Float default: 0.0 -- float; Swing_2_Spring
Get/set the value of the Swing Z > Spring property.
<UConstraint>.swing2Damping Float default: 0.0 -- float; Swing_2_Damping
Get/set the value of the Swing Z > Damping property.
<UConstraint>.twistMode Integer default: 1 -- integer; Twist_Mode
Get/set the state of the twist mode radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - Locked
1 - Limited
2 - Free
<UConstraint>.twistAngleLow Float default: 45.0 -- float; Twist_Angle_Low
Get/set the value of the Left Limit Angle property.
<UConstraint>.twistAngleHigh Float default: 45.0 -- float; Twist_Angle_High
Get/set the value of the Right Limit Angle property.
<UConstraint>.twistRestitutionLow Float default: 0.0 -- float; Twist_Restitution_Low
Get/set the value of the Left Bounce property.
<UConstraint>.twistRestitutionHigh Float default: 0.0 -- float; Twist_Restitution_High
Get/set the value of the Right Bounce property.
<UConstraint>.twistSpringHigh Float default: 0.0 -- float; Twist_Spring_High
Get/set the value of the Left Spring property.
<UConstraint>.twistSpringLow Float default: 0.0 -- float; Twist_Spring_Low
Get/set the value of the Right Spring property.
<UConstraint>.twistDampingLow Float default: 0.0 -- float; Twist_Damping_Low
Get/set the value of the Left Damping property.
<UConstraint>.twistDampingHigh Float default: 0.0 -- float; Twist_Damping_High
Get/set the value of the Right Damping property.
<UConstraint>.posSpring Float default: 0.0 -- float; Position_Spring
Get/set the value of the Springiness property.
<UConstraint>.posDamping Float default: 0.0 -- float; Position_Damping
Get/set the value of the Damping property.
<UConstraint>.swingSpring Float default: 0.0 -- float; Swing_Spring
Get/set the value of the Springiness property.
<UConstraint>.swingDamping Float default: 0.0 -- float; Swing_Damping
Get/set the value of the Damping property.
<UConstraint>.twistSpring Float default: 0.0 -- float; Twist_Spring
Get/set the value of the Springiness property.
<UConstraint>.twistDamping Float default: 0.0 -- float; Twist_Damping
Get/set the value of the Damping property.
<UConstraint>.helpersize Float default: 10.0 -- float; Helper_Size
Get/set the viewport Display Size of the Helper.
<UConstraint>.collision BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the Parent/Child Collision checkbox.
<UConstraint>.useProjection BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Use_Projection
Get/set the state of the Use Projection checkbox.
<UConstraint>.projectionMode Integer default: 0 -- integer; Projection_Mode
Get/set the state of the projection mode radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - Linear Only (faster)
1 - Linear and Angular
<UConstraint>.projectionDist Float default: 0.1 -- float; Projection_Dist
Get/set the value of the projection Distance property.
Used when .projectionMode
is set to true.
<UConstraint>.projectionAngle Float default: 5.0 -- float; Projection_Angle
Get/set the value of the projection Angle property.
Used when .projectionMode
is set to true.
<UConstraint>.gearing BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
<UConstraint>.gearRatio Float default: 1.0 -- float; Gear_Ratio
<UConstraint>.unused1 Integer default: 1 -- index
<UConstraint>.unused2 Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- point3
<UConstraint>.unused3 Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- point3
Unused paramblock tracks for future use.
Interface: ConstraintHelperInterface
Initializes the Constraint.