velocity : RenderElement

velocity - superclass: RenderElement; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 6:0 - classID: #(19, 0) 

The Velocity RenderElement outputs the Velocity channel containing object motion data.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.


Velocity... MotionRenderElement... 


<velocity>.bitmap UndefinedClass default: undefined -- bitmap; 

Gets the bitmap the RenderElement writes to.

<velocity>.elementName String default: "Velocity" -- string 

Gets/Sets the name of the RenderElement.

<velocity>.enabled BooleanClass default: true -- boolean 

Enables/Disables the RenderElement.

<velocity>.filterOn BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; FilteringOn 

Enables/Disables filtering for the RenderElement.

<velocity>.velocityMax Float default: 1.0 -- float; Maximum_Velocity 

Gets/Sets the maximum velocity value.

<velocity>.velocityOn BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; VelocityUpdate 

Enables/Disables the Update checkbox in the RenderElement's UI.