StandardXYZGen : Material


<textureMap.coords>.coordType Integer default: 0      

The type of coordinates used for mapping:

0 - Object XYZ (Uses planar mapping based on the object’s local coordinates (disregarding the pivot point location).)

1 - World XYZ (Uses planar mapping based on the scene’s world coordinates (disregarding the object’s bounding box).)

2 - Explicit Map Channel (Uses the map channel specified by the .mapChannel value.)

3 - Vertex Color Channel (Uses assigned vertex colors as a channel.)

<textureMap.coords>.mapChannel Integer default: 1   

The map channel used for mapping coordinates.

<textureMap.coords>.offset Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- animatable 

Changes the position of the map in UV coordinates. The map moves in relation to its size.

<textureMap.coords>.Tiling Point3 default: [1,1,1] -- animatable 

The number of times the map is tiled across each axis.

<textureMap.coords>.angle Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- animatable, point3 angle 

Rotates the map about the U, V, and W-axis (in degrees).

<textureMap.coords>.blur Float default: 1.0 -- animatable 

Affects the sharpness or blurriness of the map based on its distance from the view. The farther away the map is, the greater the blurring. The Blur value blurs maps in world space.

<textureMap.coords>.Blur_Offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

Affects the sharpness or blurriness of the map without regard to its distance from the view. Blur Offset blurs the image itself in object space.