ShineExp : UtilityPlugin


Class instances not creatable by MAXScript 

The ShineExp UtilityPlugin renders the active viewport to a TIFF file. The TIFF file includes luminance and illuminance data that can be used for lighting analysis. (This is the 32-bit SGI LogLUV image type.)


The 2D Lighting Data Exporter does not render the TIFF file unless you have applied an exposure control to the scene.

The same utility was available in Autodesk VIZ4 under the name Lighting_Data_Export.

ShineExp interfaces:

Interface: ShineExport 


<boolean>doExport () 

Presses the Export button in the Utility Plug-in, causing the export to the specified file. Returns true on success, false otherwise.

<boolean>doPickFile () 

Presses the pick file button in the Utility Plug-in, causing a file selection dialog to be displayed. Returns true if a valid output file has been specified, false otherwise.


   -- Open the plug-in in the Utilities panel:
   UtilityPanel.OpenUtility ShineExp
   ShineExp.ShineExport.doPickFile ()
   ShineExp.ShineExport.doExport ()