The Return Expression

As with the loop constructs, you can break out of a function body block-expression prematurely in MAXScript and return a result without evaluating the remaining portion of the block.

For this purpose, you can use the return expression:

return <expr>      

If a return expression is evaluated in the course of running a function body, the function exits immediately and yields the value given in the return <expr> .


   fn find_root twod_fn =
   local root, last_root
   while true do
   if abs(root - last_root) < epsilon then return root
Note: It is unnecessary to place a return expression at the end of a function body to return an expression value. Instead, simply place the result expression at the end of a function body.

If a return <expr> is used in a mapped function and a collection is passed as the first argument to the function, the value returned will be OK rather than <expr> .

As a special case, you can exit a script controller’s script using a return <expr> .

In 3ds Max 6 and higher

You can call return() in macroScripts whose body is a single expression (old style MacroScripts that do not implement 'on execute do ...' handler) to exit the MacroScript.


The return expression is very slow. If your function will be called very often, try to avoid using it. See Do not use return, break, exit or continue for details.