The addPluginRollouts()
is used within scripted plug-in create tools, specifically for level 1 plug-ins that don't create instances of themselves in the scene but might create other objects within their create tool. This method lets you install rollouts for a specified object in the Create panel, typically one of the objects being created in the create tool, so that its parameters can be adjusted directly during creation.
The form is:
addPluginRollouts <obj>
In the following example, a variation of the three light mouse tool example presented in Mouse Tool Clauses is set into permanent, editable classes. It defines two new classes. The helper class lightMaster
is used as a master object for the light system. The light class threeLights
is what you create to layout the initial system. It also creates a lightMaster
and sets its parameters to point at the lights. The lightMaster
rollout allows subsequent editing of the system in the Modifier panel, and storing the lights in a parameter block makes the setup persistent over scene saves and loads.
plugin helper lightMaster
name:"Light Master"
parameters main rollout:params
key type:#node subAnim:true
fill type:#node subAnim:true
back type:#node subAnim:true
height type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:height
spread type:#worldUnits default:0 ui:spread
angle type:#angle default:90 ui:angle
-- check value of key since lights don't exist at initial creation
on height set val do if key != undefined then coordsys
key.pos.z = val
back.pos.z = val * 1.5
fill.pos.z = val * 0.5
on spread set val do if key != undefined then coordsys
-- compute normal vector pointing at key in the target's XY plane
-- (kuv) and reposition everything based on that and the current
-- spread and angle values
local kuv = normalize ([key.pos.x, key.pos.y, 0])
key.pos = [kuv.x * spread, kuv.y * spread, height]
back.pos = [kuv.x * -spread, kuv.y * -spread, height * 1.5]
-- position fill by placing it under the key and then rotating in
-- about the target
fill.pos = [kuv.x * spread, kuv.y * spread, height * 0.5]
about rotate fill angle z_axis
on angle set val do if key != undefined then coordsys
fill.pos = [key.pos.x, key.pos.y, height * 0.5]
about rotate fill angle z_axis
rollout params "Light Parameters"
spinner height "Height" type:#worldUnits range:[-1e32, 1e32, 0]
spinner spread "Spread" type:#worldUnits range:[0, 1e32, 0]
spinner angle "Angle" range:[-180, 180, 30]
on params open do flagForeGround #(key, back, fill) true
on params close do
if key != undefined and back != undefined and fill != undefined then
flagForeGround #(key, back, fill) false
plugin light searchlights
name:"Three Lights"
local master
tool create
on mousePoint click do
if click == 1 then -- create key, back & fill lights at mousedown
coordsys grid
master = lightMaster pos:gridPoint
master.dummy.boxsize = [10,10,10]
in master
local targObj=targetobject pos:gridPoint
master.key = targetspot pos:gridPoint name:"key" \
master.back = targetspot pos:gridPoint name:"back" \
master.fill = targetspot pos:gridPoint name:"fill" \
addPluginRollouts master
if click == 3 then
select master
master = undefined
on mouseMove click do
if click == 2 then -- drag out & round on x-y plane
-- place the key on the grid then set the spread and the
-- 'on set spread' handler will
-- move the lights to the correct heights
master.key.pos = worldPoint
master.spread = distance master.key
else if click == 3 then -- drag up to elevate lights
master.height = gridDist.z
on mouseAbort click do
if master != undefined then
if master.fill != undefined then delete master.fill
if master.back != undefined then delete master.back
if master.key != undefined then delete master.key
delete master
The following functions allow you to convert parameter type names to their corresponding integer values used in the C++ API, or from an integer value to the corresponding name value. The integer values correspond to the values for ParamType
and ParamType2
enums found in the maxsdk/include/paramtype.h header file.
Available in 3ds Max 2021 and higher.
<type_name> ParamTypeToTypeName <int>
Returns the name value corresponding to the specified integer.
<int> TypeNameToParamType <type_name>
Returns the integer value for the enum corresponding to the specified type name.
ParamTypeToTypeName 4
--> #boolean
TypeNameToParamType #filename
--> 9