Deprecated RCmenu Methods

Right-click menus were used in 3ds Max 2 and 3 in place of the QuadMenus introduced in 3ds Max 4.

The following methods were made obsolete by the QuadMenus system, but still exist in 3ds Max.

This page is provided as part of the history of MAXScript but does not reflect current features of 3ds Max!

The following methods let you register and unregister scripted right-click menus:

registerRightClickMenu <rcmenu>

Registers the specified right-click menu.

This method was made obsolete by the QuadMenu system in 3ds Max 4 and higher.

unRegisterRightClickMenu <rcmenu>

Unregisters the specified right-click menu

This method was made obsolete by the QuadMenu system in 3ds Max 4 and higher.


Unregisters all right-click menus.

This method was made obsolete by the QuadMenu system in 3ds Max 4 and higher.

The following script for 3ds Max 2 and 3 would add two items to the right-click menu: Cast Shadows and Receive Shadows. These items would be enabled only if one object is selected. If enabled, the items would be checked or unchecked based on the current state of the selected object. Choosing a menu item would flip the state of the corresponding object property.


   rcmenu MyRCmenu
   menuItem mi_cs "Cast Shadows" checked:false
   menuItem mi_rs "Receive Shadows" checked:false
   on MyRCmenu open do
   local sel = (selection.count == 1)
   -- Enable if only one object is selected
   mi_cs.enabled = mi_rs.enabled = sel
   -- Set check state of items
   if sel do
   mi_cs.checked = $.castShadows
   mi_rs.checked = $.receiveShadows
   -- set up event handlers for items
   on mi_cs picked do $.castShadows = (not $.castShadows)
   on mi_rs picked do$.receiveShadows = (not $.receiveShadows)
   -- register the rcmenu
   registerRightClickMenu MyRCmenu

You could register as many scripted right-click menus as you like. Each scripted right-click menu registered was appended to the right-click menu window. If a scripted right-click menu with the same name was registered twice, the old one was overwritten by the new one.