When performing a UI action from a scripted rollout, MAXScript disables the MacroRecorder.
To allow the code emission from UI actions modifying existing paramBlock parameters, the following context can be specified in 3ds Max 2013 and higher:
with macroRecorderEmitterEnabled <bool_expr> <expr>
When <bool_expr>
evaluates to true
, the MacroRecorder will be enabled and relevant changes to paramBlock parameters, as well as scene node creation, will trigger code emission. Creation arguments will not be recorded.
When <bool_expr>
evaluates to false
, or if the context is not specified at all, the expression will produce no Macro Recorder output.
rollout testMacroRecorderEmission "Test MRec Emission" ( local theSpheres = #() checkbox chk_emitMacroRecorderCode "Emit MacroRecorder Code" button btn_modifyRandomSphere "Modify Random Sphere Radius" on btn_modifyRandomSphere pressed do ( with macroRecorderEmitterEnabled chk_emitMacroRecorderCode.checked ( theSpheres[random 1 theSpheres.count].radius = random 10 100 ) ) on testMacroRecorderEmission open do ( for y = 1 to 5 do for x = 1 to 5 do append theSpheres (sphere radius:10 pos:[x*50,y*50,0]) ) ) createDialog testMacroRecorderEmission