Utility Clauses

The <utility_body> of a scripted utility definition is composed of a sequence of utility clauses as follows:

<utility_body> ::= { <utility_clause> }+


<utility_clause> ::= <rollout_clause> | <nested_rollout>

A <utility_clause> can contain one or more instances of <rollout_clause> or <nested_rollout> . A nested rollout is basically another self-contained rollout definition which can be used to construct scripted utilities with multiple rollouts or populate rollout floater windows that may be associated with the utility. A <nested_rollout> is defined as follows:

rollout <var_name> <description_string> [ rolledUp:<boolean> ] [ silentErrors:<boolean> ] \
  [ autoLayoutOnResize:<boolean> ]


<rollout_body> ::= { <utility_clause> }+

In other words, a rollout definition is identical to a utility definition except its description string is not displayed in the Utilities list in the MAXScript rollout. In fact, a utility can just be considered a special case of a rollout, and both are instances of the Rollout class.

As an example, consider the following script. In this script, line 1 defines the start of the utility, and the utility body is lines 2 through 42. The following line ranges are utility clauses: 3 (a rollout clause), 5 to 9 (a nested rollout), 11 to 30 (a nested rollout), 32 to 35 (a rollout clause), and 37 to 40 (a rollout clause).


   utility MyUtil "My Utility"
   local pot
   rollout bout "About My Utility"
   button aboutMU "About" width:45 height:20
   on aboutMU pressed do
   messagebox "My First Utility\nby ME\nVersion .1"\
   title:"About My Utility"
   ) -- end rollout bout
   rollout creator "The Teapot"
   group "Object Creator"
   button tea "Teapot"
   spinner rad "Radius" range:[10,50,20] type:#integer
   spinner seg "Segments" range:[4,32,12] type:#integer scale:1
   on tea pressed do
   pot=teapot radius:rad.value
   ) -- end on tea pressed
   on rad changed value do
   on seg changed value do
   ) -- end rollout creator
   on MyUtil open do
   addRollout bout
   addRollout creator
   ) -- end on MyUtil open
   on MyUtil close do
   removeRollout bout
   removeRollout creator
   ) -- end on MyUtil close
   ) -- end utility MyUtil

The Utilities panel rollouts created by the previous script look like the following:

Multiple rollouts defined in a utility

You can also define rollouts outside utility definitions when you want to add them to a rollout floater window that may not be associated with a scripted utility. This is described more fully in Rollout Floater Windows.

A value is created for a utility or rollout when the script defining the utility or rollout is executed. In general, the lifetime of a utility value is the entire 3ds Max session, unless a new utility with the same name is executed. The lifetime of a rollout defined in a utility is the lifetime of the utility value. The lifetime of a rollout defined outside a utility is the lifetime of the context the rollout was defined in. For more information, see Scope of Variables.