Coordinate Display

The following methods are associated with 3ds Max’s Status Bar Coordinate Display:


Disables mouse tracking and display of coordinates to the X, Y, Z status boxes.


Enables mouse tracking and display of coordinates to the X, Y, Z status boxes.

setStatusXYZ <format_name> <point3> 

Displays the component values of the Point3 value in the X, Y, Z status boxes. The format of the displayed values is controlled by format_name .

The valid format_name types are:


display point3 as position in current units


display point3 as percentages - a point3 component value of 1 displays as 100%


display point3 as angles - point3 component values are in radians


display point3 as straight floating point values.

Note: Using a <format_name> value of #other for setStatusXYZ() does not correctly display the specified point3 value. The X and Y component values are displayed in the Y and Z status boxes, and the X status box is blank.