Exposing a Function to MAXScript

This topic is about manually exposing a function to MAXScript using the MAXScript API. Usually, a plug-in uses the function publishing system to expose functions to MAXScript. For more information see the section about What would a Plug-in Publish?.

Functions are exposed to MAXScript using the Primitive class (defined in maxscript\foundation\functions.h ). A Primitive class exposes a function pointer to the MAXScript engine.

The standard practice for doing so is to use the def_visible_primitive macro, from the header file maxscript\macros\define_instantiation_functions.h as shown below:

#include <maxscript\macros\define_instantiation_functions.h>
def_visible_primitive(IntervalArray, "IntervalArray");

This expands during pre-processing to the following:

Value* IntervalArray_cf(Value**, int);
PrimitiveIntervalArray_pf("IntervalArray", IntervalArray_cf);

In this case you would next need to provide a function body for the function IntervalArray_cf(). For example:

#include <maxscript\maxscript.h>
#include <maxscript\macros\define_instantiation_functions.h>
def_visible_primitive(IntervalArray, "IntervalArray");

Value* IntervalArray_cf(Value **arg_list, int count)
   return &ok;