Schematic View Events

The events that occur in the schematic view are either generated by the user (clicking on a node, etc.) or transmitted to the schematic view via a GlobalReferenceMaker::NotifyRefChanged() message.

In response to these events, the schematic view performs one or more of the "Sv" methods on the effected nodes. The IGraphObjectManager, IGraphNode, and IGraphRef interfaces are passed to the "Sv" methods where appropriate.

The "Sv" methods perform some action and/or return some value and/or call one or more methods in the passed schematic view interface(s).

For example, the user selects a modifier in the schematic view and hits the "Delete" key. In response to the delete request, the schematic view calls the Animatable::SvRemoveThis() method which, in turn, calls the IGraphManager::DeleteModifier() method.