Miscellaneous Samples and Plug-ins

Asset Tracking System

COM/DCOM Server Plug-ins

Function Publishing Samples

IK Solvers

An IK solver creates an inverse kinematic solution to rotate and position links in a chain. It applies an IK controller to govern the transforms of the children in a linkage.

Image Viewers

An image viewer plug-in is available from the 3ds Max File menu under View File. A developer may replace the viewer DLL launched by this command to provide enhanced functionality for image browsing. An image viewer inherits from ViewFile.

Miscellaneous How-to Samples

Motion Capture Samples

OpenSubdiv Sample

A sample that exercises SDK exposure of the OpenSubdiv feature (such as accessing OpenSubdivParameters and mesh picking) is located at:

Painter Interface Samples

Plug-ins that implement the painter interface (IPainterInterface_V7) make it possible to be painted on.

How-to Samples

Populate Interfaces Sample

The Populate feature exposes several interfaces: IPopulate, IPopulateFlow, IPopulateIdleArea, and IPopulateSeat. A sample utility plug-in that uses these interfaces is located in \howto\Populate .

Shadow Generator Plug-ins

The standard 3ds Max mapped and ray-traced shadows are Shadow Generator plug-ins. There is presently no sample of this type of plug-in; however, a plug-in template is available through the application wizard in Visual Studio. The primary classes involved in shadow generators are: ShadBufRenderer, ShadowType, and ShadowGenerator.

Snap Plug-ins

Snap plug-ins (also called Object Snap plug-ins) allows custom points to be provided to the 3ds Max snapping system. For example, a door plug-in could provide a custom snap for the hinge center. Snap plug-ins derive from Osnap.

How-to Samples

Sound Plug-ins

A sound plug-in can take control of sound (and music) production in 3ds Max. These plug-ins control not only the sounds they generate but also the system clock. They can thus coordinate the timing of external sound input/output devices with the animation. Sound plug-ins can provide their user interface as part of the 3ds Max Track View. A sound plug-in derives from SoundObj.

System Plug-ins

System plug-ins are combinations of plug-ins working together. These plug-ins can provide high-order parametric control over a complex collection of scene entities.