3ds Max C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for IUnwrapMod2, including all inherited members.
_dispatch_fn(FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *p) | FPInterface | inlineprotectedvirtual |
AcquireInterface() | BaseInterface | inlinevirtual |
aligned_free(void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
aligned_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
CloneInterface(void *remapDir=NULL) | BaseInterface | inlinevirtual |
DeleteInterface() | BaseInterface | inlinevirtual |
EnableActions(BOOL onOff) | FPInterface | inlinevirtual |
FindFn(const MCHAR *name) | FPInterface | virtual |
FN_0(unwrap_gettilemap, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetTile) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_gettilemaplimit, TYPE_INT, fnGetTileLimit) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_gettilemapcontrast, TYPE_FLOAT, fnGetTileContrast) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getshowmap, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetShowMap) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getcheckertiling, TYPE_FLOAT, fnGetCheckerTiling) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_setlimitsoftsel, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetLimitSoftSel) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_setlimitsoftselrange, TYPE_INT, fnGetLimitSoftSelRange) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getgeom_elemmode, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetGeomElemMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getgeom_planarmode, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetGeomPlanarMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getgeom_planarmodethreshold, TYPE_FLOAT, fnGetGeomPlanarModeThreshold) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getbackfacecull, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetBackFaceCull) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getoldselmethod, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetOldSelMethod) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_gettvelementmode, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetTVElementMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getalwaysedit, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetAlwaysEdit) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getshowvertexconnectionlist, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetShowConnection) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getfilterselected, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetFilteredSelected) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getpixelsnap, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetPixelCornerSnap) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getlock, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetLock) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_gettvsubobjectmode, TYPE_INT, fnGetTVSubMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getselectedfaces, TYPE_BITARRAY, fnGetSelectedFaces) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getfillmode, TYPE_INT, fnGetFillMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getselectededges, TYPE_BITARRAY, fnGetSelectedEdges) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getdisplayopenedge, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetDisplayOpenEdges) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getopenedgecolor, TYPE_POINT3, fnGetOpenEdgeColor) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getuvedgemode, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetUVEdgeMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getopenedgemode, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetOpenEdgeMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getdisplayhiddenedge, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetDisplayHiddenEdges) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_gethandlecolor, TYPE_POINT3, fnGetHandleColor) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getfreeformmode, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetFreeFormMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getfreeformcolor, TYPE_POINT3, fnGetFreeFormColor) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getpivotoffset, TYPE_POINT3, fnGetPivotOffset) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getselcenter, TYPE_POINT3, fnGetSelCenter) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getresetpivotonsel, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetResetPivotOnSel) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getpolymode, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetPolyMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getselectioninsidegizmo, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetAllowSelectionInsideGizmo) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getshowshared, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetShowShared) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getsharedcolor, TYPE_POINT3, fnGetSharedColor) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getsyncselectionmode, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetSyncSelectionMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getbackgroundcolor, TYPE_POINT3, fnGetBackgroundColor) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getbrightcentertile, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetBrightCenterTile) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getblendtoback, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetBlendToBack) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getpaintmode, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetPaintMode) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getgridsize, TYPE_FLOAT, fnGetGridSize) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getsnaptoggle, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetSnapToggle) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getgridvisible, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetGridVisible) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getgridcolor, TYPE_POINT3, fnGetGridColor) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getsnapstrength, TYPE_FLOAT, fnGetSnapStrength) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getautomap, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetAutoMap) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getflattenangle, TYPE_FLOAT, fnGetFlattenAngle) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getflattenspacing, TYPE_FLOAT, fnGetFlattenSpacing) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getflattennormalize, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetFlattenNormalize) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getflattenrotate, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetFlattenRotate) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getflattenfillholes, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetFlattenFillHoles) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getpreventflattening, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetPreventFlattening) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getenablesoftselection, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetEnableSoftSelection) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_0(unwrap_getapplytowholeobject, TYPE_BOOL, fnGetApplyToWholeObject) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_getnormal, TYPE_POINT3, fnGetNormal, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_getvertexweight, TYPE_FLOAT, fnGetVertexWeight, TYPE_INDEX) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_isweightmodified, TYPE_BOOL, fnIsWeightModified, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_getwindowx, TYPE_INT, fnGetWindowX, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_getwindowy, TYPE_INT, fnGetWindowY, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_getwindoww, TYPE_INT, fnGetWindowW, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_getwindowh, TYPE_INT, fnGetWindowH, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_isfaceselected, TYPE_BOOL, fnIsFaceSelected, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_isedgeselected, TYPE_BOOL, fnIsEdgeSelected, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_gethitsize, TYPE_INT, fnGetHitSize, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_getpaintsize, TYPE_INT, fnGetPaintSize, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_1(unwrap_getticksize, TYPE_INT, fnGetTickSize, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
FN_5(unwrap_pack, TYPE_FLOAT, fnPack, TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
fnCopy()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnDecPaintSize()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnEdgeToFaceSelect(BOOL bPartialSelect=FALSE)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnEdgeToVertSelect()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnFaceToEdgeSelect()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnFaceToVertSelect()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnFit(int iteration, float str)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnFlattenMap(float angleThreshold, Tab< Point3 * > *normaList, float spacing, BOOL normalize, int layoutType, BOOL rotateClusters, BOOL alignWidth)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnFlattenMapDialog()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnFlattenMapNoParams()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGeomContractFaceSel()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGeomExpandFaceSel()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetAllowSelectionInsideGizmo()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetAlwaysEdit()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetApplyToWholeObject()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetAutoMap()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetBackFaceCull()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetBackgroundColor()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetBlendToBack()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetBrightCenterTile()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetCheckerTiling() const =0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetDisplayHiddenEdges()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetDisplayOpenEdges()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetEnableSoftSelection()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetFillMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetFilteredSelected()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetFlattenAngle()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetFlattenFillHoles()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetFlattenNormalize()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetFlattenRotate()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetFlattenSpacing()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetFreeFormColor()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetFreeFormMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetGeomElemMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetGeomPlanarMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetGeomPlanarModeThreshold()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetGridColor()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetGridSize()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetGridVisible()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetHandleColor()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetHitSize(bool removeUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetLimitSoftSel()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetLimitSoftSelRange()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetLock()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetNormal(int index)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetOldSelMethod()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetOpenEdgeColor()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetOpenEdgeMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetPaintMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetPaintSize(bool removeUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetPivotOffset()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetPixelCornerSnap()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetPolyMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetPreventFlattening()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetResetPivotOnSel()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetSelCenter()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetSelectedEdges()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetSelectedFaces()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetSharedColor()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetShowConnection()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetShowMap()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetShowShared()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetSnapStrength()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetSnapToggle()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetSyncSelectionMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetTickSize(bool removeUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetTile()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetTileContrast()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetTileLimit()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetTVElementMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetTVSubMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetUVEdgeMode()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetVertexWeight(int index)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetWindowH(bool removeUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetWindowW(bool removeUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetWindowX(bool removeUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnGetWindowY(bool removeUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnIncPaintSize()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnIsEdgeSelected(int index)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnIsFaceSelected(int index)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnIsWeightModified(int index)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnLoadDefaults()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnModifyWeight(int index, BOOL modified)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnMoveSelected(Point3 offset)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnNormalMap(Tab< Point3 * > *normaList, float spacing, BOOL normalize, int layoutType, BOOL rotateClusters, BOOL alignWidth)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnNormalMapDialog()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnNormalMapNoParams()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnOpenEdgeSelect()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnPack(int method, float spacing, BOOL normalize, BOOL rotate, BOOL fillHoles)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnPackDialog()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnPackNoParams()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnPaste(BOOL rotate)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnPasteInstance()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnPolySelect()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnRelax(int iteration, float str, BOOL lockEdges, BOOL matchArea)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnRotateSelected(float angle)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnRotateSelected(float angle, Point3 axis)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnScaleSelected(float scale, int dir)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnScaleSelected(float scale, int dir, Point3 axis)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnScaleSelectedXY(float scaleX, float scaleY, Point3 axis)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSelectByMatID(int matID)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSelectBySG(int sg)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSelectClusterByNormal(float angleThreshold, int seedIndex, BOOL relative, BOOL update)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSelectEdges(BitArray *sel)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSelectElement()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSelectFaces(BitArray *sel)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSelectFacesByNormal(Point3 Normal, float angleThreshold, BOOL update)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSelectPolygonsUpdate(BitArray *sel, BOOL update)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetAllowSelectionInsideGizmo(BOOL select)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetAlwaysEdit(BOOL always)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetApplyToWholeObject(BOOL wholeObject)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetAsDefaults()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetAutoMap(BOOL autoMap)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetBackFaceCull(BOOL backFaceCull)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetBackgroundColor(Point3 color)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetBlendToBack(BOOL blend)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetBrightCenterTile(BOOL bright)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetCheckerTiling(const float tiling)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetDebugLevel(int level)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetDisplayHiddenEdges(BOOL hiddenEdgeDisplay)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetDisplayOpenEdges(BOOL openEdgeDisplay)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetEnableSoftSelection(BOOL enable)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetFillMode(int mode)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetFilteredSelected(BOOL filter)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetFlattenAngle(float angle)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetFlattenFillHoles(BOOL fillHoles)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetFlattenNormalize(BOOL normalize)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetFlattenRotate(BOOL rotate)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetFlattenSpacing(float spacing)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetFreeFormColor(Point3 color)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetFreeFormMode(BOOL freeFormMode)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetGeomElemMode(BOOL elem)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetGeomPlanarMode(BOOL planar)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetGeomPlanarModeThreshold(float threshold)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetGridColor(Point3 color)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetGridSize(float size)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetGridVisible(BOOL visible)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetHandleColor(Point3 color)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetHitSize(int size, bool applyUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetLimitSoftSel(BOOL limit)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetLimitSoftSelRange(int range)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetLock(BOOL snap)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetOldSelMethod(BOOL oldSelMethod)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetOpenEdgeColor(Point3 color)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetOpenEdgeMode(BOOL uvmode)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetPaintMode(BOOL paint)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetPaintSize(int size, bool applyUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetPivotOffset(Point3 color)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetPixelCornerSnap(BOOL snap)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetPolyMode(BOOL pmode)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetPreventFlattening(BOOL preventFlattening)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetResetPivotOnSel(BOOL reset)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetSeedFace()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetSelectionMatID(int matID)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetSharedColor(Point3 color)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetShowConnection(BOOL show)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetShowMap(BOOL smap)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetShowShared(BOOL select)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetSnapStrength(float size)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetSnapToggle(BOOL snap)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetSyncSelectionMode(BOOL sync)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetTickSize(int size, bool applyUIScaling=false)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetTile(BOOL tile)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetTileContrast(float contrast)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetTileLimit(int lmit)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetTVElementMode(BOOL mode)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetTVSubMode(int mode)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetUVEdgeMode(BOOL uvmode)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetVertexPosition2(TimeValue t, int index, Point3 pos, BOOL hold, BOOL update)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSetVertexWeight(int index, float weight)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnShowVertexConnectionList()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSketch(Tab< int > *indexList, Tab< Point3 * > *positionList)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSketchDialog()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSketchNoParams()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSketchReverse()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSnapPivot(int pos)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnStitchVerts(BOOL bAlign, float fBias)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnStitchVertsDialog()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnStitchVertsNoParams()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSyncGeomSelection()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnSyncTVSelection()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnUnfoldSelectedPolygons(int unfoldMethod, BOOL normalize)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnUnfoldSelectedPolygonsDialog()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnUnfoldSelectedPolygonsNoParams()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnUpdateMenuBar()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnUVEdgeSelect()=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnVertToEdgeSelect(BOOL bPartialSelect=FALSE)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
fnVertToFaceSelect(BOOL bPartialSelect=FALSE)=0 | IUnwrapMod2 | pure virtual |
FPMixinInterface(const FPMixinInterface &rhs) | FPMixinInterface | inlineprotected |
FPMixinInterface() | FPMixinInterface | inline |
GetActionTable() | FPInterface | inlinevirtual |
GetDesc() | IUnwrapMod2 | virtual |
GetDescByID(Interface_ID id) | FPMixinInterface | inlinevirtual |
GetID() | FPMixinInterface | inlinevirtual |
GetInterface(Interface_ID id) | FPMixinInterface | inlinevirtual |
GetIsChecked(FunctionID actionID) | FPInterface | virtual |
GetIsEnabled(FunctionID actionID) | FPInterface | virtual |
GetIsVisible(FunctionID actionID) | FPInterface | virtual |
GetTypedInterface() | InterfaceServer | inline |
immediateRelease enum value | BaseInterface | |
interfaceNotifyCBs | FPMixinInterface | protected |
Invoke(FunctionID fid, TimeValue t=0, FPParams *params=NULL) | FPInterface | virtual |
Invoke(FunctionID fid, FPParams *params) | FPInterface | inlinevirtual |
Invoke(FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) | FPInterface | virtual |
Invoke(FunctionID fid, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) | FPInterface | inlinevirtual |
IsChecked(FunctionID actionID) | FPInterface | virtual |
IsEnabled(FunctionID actionID) | FPInterface | virtual |
IsVisible(FunctionID actionID) | FPInterface | virtual |
LifetimeControl() | FPMixinInterface | inlinevirtual |
LifetimeType enum name | BaseInterface | |
noRelease enum value | BaseInterface | |
nullInterface | FPInterface | static |
operator delete(void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete(void *ptr, void *placement_ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new(size_t size, void *placement_ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
operator=(const FPMixinInterface &rhs) | FPMixinInterface | inlineprotected |
RegisterNotifyCallback(InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) | FPMixinInterface | virtual |
ReleaseInterface() | BaseInterface | inlinevirtual |
serverControlled enum value | BaseInterface | |
UnRegisterNotifyCallback(InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) | FPMixinInterface | inlinevirtual |
VFN_0(unwrap_normalmapnoparams, fnNormalMapNoParams) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_normalmapdialog, fnNormalMapDialog) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_unfoldmapdialog, fnUnfoldSelectedPolygonsDialog) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_unfoldmapnoparams, fnUnfoldSelectedPolygonsNoParams) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_setseedface, fnSetSeedFace) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_showvertexconnectionlist, fnShowVertexConnectionList) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_copy, fnCopy) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_pasteinstance, fnPasteInstance) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_stitchvertsnoparams, fnStitchVertsNoParams) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_stitchvertsdialog, fnStitchVertsDialog) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_selectelement, fnSelectElement) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_flattenmapdialog, fnFlattenMapDialog) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_flattenmapnoparams, fnFlattenMapNoParams) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_geomexpandsel, fnGeomExpandFaceSel) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_geomcontractsel, fnGeomContractFaceSel) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_packnoparams, fnPackNoParams) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_packdialog, fnPackDialog) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_uvedgeselect, fnUVEdgeSelect) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_openedgeselect, fnOpenEdgeSelect) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_selectedgetovert, fnEdgeToVertSelect) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_selectfacetovert, fnFaceToVertSelect) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_selectfacetoedge, fnFaceToEdgeSelect) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_sketchnoparams, fnSketchNoParams) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_sketchdialog, fnSketchDialog) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_sketchreverse, fnSketchReverse) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_polyselect, fnPolySelect) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_setasdefaults, fnSetAsDefaults) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_loaddefaults, fnLoadDefaults) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_synctvselection, fnSyncTVSelection) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_syncgeomselection, fnSyncGeomSelection) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_updatemenubar, fnUpdateMenuBar) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_incpaintsize, fnIncPaintSize) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_0(unwrap_decpaintsize, fnDecPaintSize) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_paste, fnPaste, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setdebuglevel, fnSetDebugLevel, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_settilemap, fnSetTile, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_settilemaplimit, fnSetTileLimit, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_settilemapcontrast, fnSetTileContrast, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setshowmap, fnSetShowMap, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setcheckertiling, fnSetCheckerTiling, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_getlimitsoftsel, fnSetLimitSoftSel, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_getlimitsoftselrange, fnSetLimitSoftSelRange, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setgeom_elemmode, fnSetGeomElemMode, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setgeom_planarmode, fnSetGeomPlanarMode, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setgeom_planarmodethreshold, fnSetGeomPlanarModeThreshold, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setbackfacecull, fnSetBackFaceCull, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setoldselmethod, fnSetOldSelMethod, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setselectionmatid, fnSetSelectionMatID, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_selectbymatid, fnSelectByMatID, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_selectbysg, fnSelectBySG, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_settvelementmode, fnSetTVElementMode, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setalwaysedit, fnSetAlwaysEdit, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setshowvertexconnectionlist, fnSetShowConnection, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setfilterselected, fnSetFilteredSelected, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setpixelsnap, fnSetPixelCornerSnap, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setlock, fnSetLock, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_settvsubobjectmode, fnSetTVSubMode, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_selectfaces, fnSelectFaces, TYPE_BITARRAY) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setfillmode, fnSetFillMode, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_moveselected, fnMoveSelected, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_rotateselectedc, fnRotateSelected, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_selectedges, fnSelectEdges, TYPE_BITARRAY) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setdisplayopenedge, fnSetDisplayOpenEdges, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setopenedgecolor, fnSetOpenEdgeColor, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setuvedgemode, fnSetUVEdgeMode, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setopenedgemode, fnSetOpenEdgeMode, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_selectverttoedge, fnVertToEdgeSelect, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_selectverttoface, fnVertToFaceSelect, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_selectedgetoface, fnEdgeToFaceSelect, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setdisplayhiddenedge, fnSetDisplayHiddenEdges, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_sethandlecolor, fnSetHandleColor, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setfreeformmode, fnSetFreeFormMode, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setfreeformcolor, fnSetFreeFormColor, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_snappivot, fnSnapPivot, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setpivotoffset, fnSetPivotOffset, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setresetpivotonsel, fnSetResetPivotOnSel, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setpolymode, fnSetPolyMode, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setselectioninsidegizmo, fnSetAllowSelectionInsideGizmo, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setshowshared, fnSetShowShared, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setsharedcolor, fnSetSharedColor, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setsyncselectionmode, fnSetSyncSelectionMode, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setbackgroundcolor, fnSetBackgroundColor, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setbrightcentertile, fnSetBrightCenterTile, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setblendtoback, fnSetBlendToBack, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setpaintmode, fnSetPaintMode, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setgridsize, fnSetGridSize, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setsnaptoggle, fnSetSnapToggle, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setgridvisible, fnSetGridVisible, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setgridcolor, fnSetGridColor, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setsnapstrength, fnSetSnapStrength, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setautomap, fnSetAutoMap, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setflattenangle, fnSetFlattenAngle, TYPE_ANGLE) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setflattenspacing, fnSetFlattenSpacing, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setflattennormalize, fnSetFlattenNormalize, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setflattenrotate, fnSetFlattenRotate, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setflattenfillholes, fnSetFlattenFillHoles, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setpreventflattening, fnSetPreventFlattening, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setenablesoftselection, fnSetEnableSoftSelection, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_1(unwrap_setapplytowholeobject, fnSetApplyToWholeObject, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_selectpolygonsupdate, fnSelectPolygonsUpdate, TYPE_BITARRAY, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_unfoldmap, fnUnfoldSelectedPolygons, TYPE_INT, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_stitchverts, fnStitchVerts, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_setvertexweight, fnSetVertexWeight, TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_modifyweight, fnModifyWeight, TYPE_INT, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_rotateselected, fnRotateSelected, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_scaleselectedc, fnScaleSelected, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_INT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_sketch, fnSketch, TYPE_INT_TAB, TYPE_POINT3_TAB) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_sethitsize, fnSetHitSize, TYPE_INT, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_setpaintsize, fnSetPaintSize, TYPE_INT, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_setticksize, fnSetTickSize, TYPE_INT, TYPE_bool) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_2(unwrap_fitrelax, fnFit, TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLOAT) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_3(unwrap_selectfacesbynormal, fnSelectFacesByNormal, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_3(unwrap_scaleselected, fnScaleSelected, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_3(unwrap_scaleselectedxy, fnScaleSelectedXY, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_POINT3) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_4(unwrap_selectclusterbynormal, fnSelectClusterByNormal, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_4(unwrap_relax, fnRelax, TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_5(unwrap_setvertexposition2, fnSetVertexPosition2, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, TYPE_INT, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_6(unwrap_normalmap, fnNormalMap, TYPE_POINT3_TAB, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_INT, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
VFN_7(unwrap_flattenmap, fnFlattenMap, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_POINT3_TAB, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_INT, TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_BOOL) | IUnwrapMod2 | |
wantsRelease enum value | BaseInterface | |
~BaseInterface() | BaseInterface | virtual |
~FPMixinInterface() | FPMixinInterface | |
~InterfaceServer() | InterfaceServer | virtual |