SDK Changes for Automatic Gamma Correction

This topic first defines how things work in general, and then describes how automatic gamma correction affects the SDK.

The BitmapInfo Class

The BitmapInfo class contains all the information about a bitmap and is used in many cases:

The BitmapInfo contains the filename and asset tag for a bitmap and the associated gamma values and flags. It also contains an opaque data pointer with additional information that is used by a BitmapIO plug-in when saving or loading a file. For example, the plug-in stores information about the JPEG compression settings as additional information.

You must never set, modify, or alter the plug-in data directly. It is edited by the particular setup dialog of a given BitmapIO plug-in (the dialog that pops up when the Setup button is clicked in a bitmap file dialog).


Instead of working with file names, you must use BitmapInfo. In general, the code must avoid dealing only with filenames. When dealing with filenames, these guidelines must be followed:

The following cases indicate what this means:

You do not need to modify the code to support the new automatic gamma correction if these guidelines are followed. However, if your code is creating its own BitmapInfo or modifying them extensively, or is working with only filenames, you might have to make necessary changes. See the following section for more information.

Understanding the Changes in the SDK

In the BitmapInfo class, gamma correction is handled by these members: gamma, custgamma, and customflags.

Gamma Flags

There are a set of flags related to gamma in the customflags member. Two of them (BMM_CUSTOM_GAMMA and BMM_CUSTOM_FILEGAMMA) are important for how gamma is actually read or written. There are three valid combinations:

These flags map to the options in the file dialog as described in Understanding the Automatic Gamma Correction. The following table shows the previous mapping.

Option Flag
Use image's own gamma BMM_CUSTOM_FILEGAMMA is set
Override BMM_CUSTOM_GAMMA is set
Use System default gamma No flag is set

The following table shows the current mapping.

Option Flag
Override BMM_CUSTOM_GAMMA is set

Currently, the third option where neither flag is set is no longer valid. However, it is still adhered to for compatibility reasons (files will continue to work as they did in the past), but passing a BitmapInfo with neither flag set to any file dialog function actually converts to a matching override setting.

Meaning of the BMM_CUSTOM_FILEGAMMA Flag

The change in the meaning of the BMM_CUSTOM_FILEGAMMA flag is important and is explained in the following table.

Before Current
When set before loading a file, it indicates that gamma is loaded from the file header, if it is available. When set before loading a file, it flags the **Automatic** option. As before, the gamma value in the file header is used. If the file header does not have a gamma value, the gamma is determined based on the file type.
When the flag remained set after loading the file, it indicates that gamma is read from the file header. If not, the flag is cleared. The flag remains set after loading the file, and if gamma value is missing in the file header, the flag is not cleared. Instead, the new information flag `BMM_CUSTOM_INFERREDGAMMA` is set to simply inform any caller that gamma is inferred and is not read from the file header.
It is not valid to set the flag before saving. The flag is valid when saving, and is actually the default behaviour. The gamma used for saving the file is based on the file type, either sRGB (= gamma 2.2) or linear (= gamma 1.0).

Determining How to Load or Save File Types

A new interface in the BitmapIO class called BitmapIOMetaData is used to determine whether the file types are saved and loaded linearly or with an embedded gamma.

The bitmap loading and saving code can inquire the appropriate BitmapIO with GetInterface(BITMAPIOMETADATA_INTERFACE_ID) to obtain this interface. If the interface is missing, the globally defined gamma value is used. This means that for any unmodified BitmapIO plugin, the behavior is the same as before.

BitmapIO plug-ins dealing with floating point data, log data, or other data that must be stored linearly can expose this interface. It has a BitmapIOMetaData::UseLinearStorage() function which is called after loading or before saving. It returns true if linear storage is preferred, and false if not.

For information about avoiding gamma related issues when writing code, see the Automatic Gamma Correction Best Practices topic.