Named Sub-Object Selection Sets

A modifier that supports sub-object selection can choose to support named sub-object selection sets. This allows the user to save and restore certain sub-object selection sets and not have to pick them over and over. The modifier indicates it wishes to do so by returning TRUE from BaseObject::SupportsNamedSubSels().

A modifier that wishes to support this capability maintains its list of named sub-object selections. When the user enters sub-object selection mode the modifier should add its named selection sets into the drop down by overriding the method Interface::AppendSubObjectNamedSelSet().

A modifier may call this method to add sub-object named selection sets to the named selection set drop down list in the 3ds Max tool bar. This should be done whenever the selection level changes (in the Modifiers BaseObject::ActivateSubobjSel() method).

The following methods of BaseObject are called when the user picks items from the drop down list:

The following methods from Interface class also deal with named sub-object selection sets:

For sample code that deals with named sub-object selection sets see \MAXSDK\SAMPLES\MODIFIERS\EDITMESH.CPP .