Hold geometry cache clips

You can hold geometry cache clips to freeze the last deformations in cache clips for a fixed period of time.

A hold is a part or an extension of a cache clip where the last deformation is held for a specified period of time. Holds are represented by the letter H and appear a lighter blue than the rest of the clip.

To hold geometry cache clips

  1. In the scene view, select the object whose geometry cache clips you want to hold.
  2. In the Trax Editor, select the geometry cache clip you want to hold.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Shift-drag the upper corner clip hotspot to create a hold after your cache clip.
    • In the Channel Box, set the Hold channel value for your cache clip.

To edit the number of frames a geometry cache clip is held

  1. Double-click the number beside the H on the held part of your cache clip, type a new value for the number of frames you want the last deformation in the cache clip to be held for, and then press Enter.