Select, add, and remove tracks

To select a track, select any clip within the track.

To add a track to a character, group, or subcharacter

  1. Select a clip in your character, subcharacter, or group.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the clip upwards or downwards.

    A black line appears above or below the selected clip’s track. This line indicates that Maya will insert a single track above or below the selected clip’s track when you release the mouse button.

    • Right-click a track, and select one of the following options from the menu that appears: Insert Track Above or Insert Track Below.

    These options insert a track above or below the selected clip’s track.

To remove a track from a character, group, or subcharacter

  1. Right-click the track you want to remove, and select Remove Track from the menu that appears.

    The track you clicked on and all its clips are deleted from its character, group, or subcharacter.

To remove all the empty tracks from a character

  1. Highlight the character from which you want to remove all its empty tracks
  2. In the Trax menu bar, select Modify > Remove Empty Tracks.

    All the empty tracks are deleted from the highlighted character.

To remove all the empty tracks from all the characters in Trax

  1. Make sure that there are no characters highlighted in Trax.
  2. In the Trax Editor, select Modify > Remove Empty Tracks.

    All the empty tracks are deleted from all the characters in Trax.

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