Split clips

You can split a clip to divide a character’s animation into multiple, reusable clips.

For example, suppose you have the following animations in the same clip: a karate punch, a swinging leg kick, and a tumble. You can split the clip into the three moves, and then rearrange their order to form a different animation sequence.

Note: You cannot split a cycled clip. You need to first merge the cycled clip before you can split it. See Merge clips.

To split a clip

  1. In the Trax Editor, select the clip that you want to split.
  2. Drag the Trax current time indicator to the position on the clip where you want it to be split.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the clip and select Split Clip > from the menu that appears.
    • In the Trax menu bar, select Edit > Split > .

    The Split Clip Options window appears.

  4. Set the options and click Split Clip.

    The clip is split in two at the current time indicator.

    Tip: The resulting clips are automatically renamed <clipName>Start and <clipName>End to help you remember their original order.