Remove a global timewarp effect

To remove the effect of the scene time warp, you can disable or delete the scene time warp curve.

To disable a scene time warp curve

  1. Turn off the Enable Scene Time Warp option by doing one of the following:
    • From the main menu bar, select Key > Scene Time Warp > Enable Scene Time Warp.
    • In the Graph Editor menu bar, select Edit > Scene Time Warp > Enable Scene Time Warp.

    The timewarp curve is disabled when there is no check mark next to the Enable Scene Time Warp option. The curve still exists in your scene but it stops affecting the global time and other animation curves. You can enable the curve again at any time.

To delete a scene time warp curve

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the main menu bar, select Key > Scene Time Warp > Delete Scene Time Warp.
    • In the Graph Editor menu bar, select Edit > Scene Time Warp > Delete Scene Time Warp.

    This deletes the timewarp curve and removes the time warping effect from your scene.

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