Key into a clip

You can set keys on a character set that already has animation clips so that the keys are automatically placed on the curves in its current, active clip. The technique of inserting keyframes into an existing animation clip is destructive.

Tip: If you need to place many keys in a clip at a time, key into the clip from outside of the Trax Editor.

To key into a clip from the Trax Editor

  1. Select the clip in which you want to place keys.
  2. In the scene view, select and transform the objects whose animation curves are in the clip you selected in Trax.
  3. In the Trax toolbar, click the Key into Clip button.

Keys are placed at the current time on all the pertinent animation curves in the selected clip. If you key into a clip (original) that has duplicates (dependent copies), those keys are also inserted into the duplicate clips.

To key into a clip from outside of the Trax Editor

  1. Select the clip in which you want to place keys.
  2. Right-click the clip, and select Activate Keys from the menu that appears. See Activate/Deactivate keys.

    The clip turns purple to indicate that now when you set keys for the objects whose animation curves are in the clip, all those keys are automatically placed in the clip.

  3. In the scene view, transform and key the objects whose animation curves are in the clip you selected in Trax.

    All keys automatically appear on the animation curves in the selected clip in the Trax Editor.