Animation Layer toolbar

The following table describes the buttons found in the Animation Layer Editor toolbar.

Zero Key Layer

Sets a key on the animation layer with zero offset from the original animation. This can help you demarcate a specific time range you want to edit on a layer. See "Setting Zero keys" in Keyframe objects on animation layers.

Set Weight to 0/Set Key

Sets and keyframes the animation layer Weight at zero. See Keyframe the weight of animation layers.

Set Weight to 1/Set Key

Sets and keyframes the layer Weight at 1. See Keyframe the weight of animation layers.

Move Layer Up

Moves the selected layer(s) up in the Animation layer pane. See Re-order animation layers.

Move Layer Down

Moves the selected layer(s) down in the Animation layer pane. See Re-order animation layers.

Create Empty Layer

See "Create Empty Layer" in Animation Layer Editor menu bar

Create Layer From Selected

See "Create Layer from Selected" in Animation Layer Editor menu bar.