Import Sets into the Time Editor

Sets are a useful way to define objects and attributes for use in the Time Editor. Create a set from a character hierarchy, and then click Create Clip from Selection from the Time Editor toolbar.

Note: Character Sets are incompatible with the Time Editor and cause unexpected results because the Time Editor sees Character Sets as constraint-driven attributes. If you want to use animation that contains a Character Set in the Time Editor, save a version without them.
Populate sets in the Time Editor by middle-click dragging them from the Outliner into the Roster.
Note: You cannot drag and drop multiple instances of a set into the Time Editor.
For example, in the following figure, the set SVEN is selected in the Outliner.

You can middle-drag the SVEN set, drag, and drag it into the Time Editor Roster.

The Time Editor creates a new group in the Roster and a clip in the time view.

The new group contains all objects in the set, populated hierarchically. That is, the Time Editor creates a hierarchy of clips based on the hierarchy of sets (so nested sets will appear as hierarchy of group clips), but any non-set contents of each set will still be populated into individual clips.

For example, If a set contains another set and some objects, a group clip is created, inside of which there are clips for the inner set as well as objects of the outer set. If the inner set contained even more sets, then it will be imported as a group clip as well, with clips inside the inner-most set.

For more information about sets and creating sets, see Sets and partitions, Create and edit sets.