Wire Dropoff Locator Options

Sets the current wire deformer curve point as a wire dropoff locator. See Using wire dropoff locators for localized deformation effects and To add a wire dropoff locator.

Wire Node

Specifies the name of the wire deformer. Also, if you select the wire deformer’s name from the Existing Wire Node drop-down menu, the name of the deformer you select appears in this field.

Existing Wire Nodes

Lists the current wire deformers in your scene. The name of the wire deformer you select from this list appears in the Wire Node field.


Specifies the deformation scale factor for the wire dropoff locator. This attribute corresponds with the Locator Envelope channel.


Specifies the local effect that the wire dropoff locator has on the influence wire's dropoff. By default, the influence wire has two implicit locators at each end with a default Percent of 1.000, and the other locators have an effect relative to the Percent of the implicit locators.