Create poses

To create a pose

  1. Select any part of the character or the object for which you want to create a pose.

    For example, you can select any bone in the character skeleton from the scene view, or select the character from the Current Character Set drop-down list.

  2. Move the current time indicator to the frame in the Trax timeline or in the Time Slider where the pose you want to capture occurs.
  3. In the Trax Editor, select Create > Pose > .

    The Create Pose Options window appears.

  4. Enter a name for the pose in the Name box and click the Create Pose button.

    Maya takes a snapshot of the character set’s position at the current time and stores it as a pose in the Character Poses tab of the Visor. You can also access this pose from the Outliner. For information on how to copy a pose from the Outliner or Visor to the Trax Editor, see the next procedure.

To copy a pose in the Outliner or Visor and paste it to a character in the Trax Editor

  1. You copy a pose from the Outliner or Visor to Trax the same way as you copy a clip from the Outliner or Visor to Trax.

For instructions on how to copy a pose from the Outliner or Visor to Trax, see Use the Visor with Trax and Use the Outliner with Trax.

To move a character to a pose

  1. In the Trax toolbar, click the Visor button to open the Visor window.
  2. In the Visor, select the Character Poses tab.

    All the poses present in the current scene appear.

  3. Right-click the desired pose and select Apply Pose from the pop-up menu.

    The character moves to the pose starting position without you having to change the current scene time.

To return a character to its actual animation position from a pose

  1. Play the animation or click a frame in the Trax timeline that is different from the pose.

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