Tumble Tool options

The Tumble Tool revolves the camera by varying the azimuth and elevation angles in a perspective view. You can also Alt + click. Hold Shift to constrain the camera movement.

Tumble scale

Scales the speed of the camera movement. The slider range is 0.01 to 10. The default value is 1.

Tumble on object

Uses an object as the tumble pivot if the Tumble Tool icon is over the object when you start tumbling.

Tumble about

Controls the point that the camera tumbles around.

Center of Interest

The camera tumbles about its center of interest. Tumble about is set to Center of interest by default.

Tumble Pivot

The camera tumbles about its pivot point. This tumble pivot can also be set in the camera’s Attribute Editor.These values are stored in world space coordinates.

View operations such as Frame Selection, Frame All, Look at Selection, Default Home, and Bookmarks all set the tumble pivot.

Automatically set tumble pivot

When using any of the sculpting tools, turning on this option tumbles the camera around the beginning point of the most recent stroke. If there is no stroke to consider, the camera tumbles about the center of view.

When using any other tool, every selection you make sets the tumble pivot. For example, when an object or component is selected, the camera tumbles around the most recently selected object or component. When multiple objects or components are selected, the camera tumbles around the bounding box center of the selection.

This option is only available when Tumble Pivot is on.

Orthographic views


If on, you cannot tumble an orthographic camera. If off, you can tumble an orthographic camera. Locked is on by default.


If on, you can tumble an orthographic camera in discrete steps. The Stepped operation lets you easily return to the Default Home positions. If off, you can tumble an orthographic camera smoothly. Stepped is only available if Locked is off. Stepped is on by default.

Ortho step

The angle of steps (in degrees) that you can tumble an orthographic camera when Locked is off and Stepped is on. The valid range is 0.01 to 180. The default value is 5.

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