XGen Caching submenu

Using these Caching options to save and load your interactive groom splines Descriptions. Legacy XGen Descriptions do not support these Caching options.

Create New Cache

Saves the hair from the selected Description to an Alembic cache, then loads the cache file into the scene.

Select Generate > Create New Cache > to set caching options.

Note: File Format is the only Alembic export Advanced Option supported by interactive groom splines.

The Create New Cache options are similar to the Alembic Export Options.

Import Cache

Lets you load an Alembic cache file containing hair from an interactive groom splines Description.

See Alembic Import Options.
Note: Fit Time Range and Set Current Time to Start Frame are the only import options supported by interactive grooming splines.
Export Cache

Saves hair from selected Descriptions to an Alembic cache file so that it can loaded at a later time.

Select Generate > Export Cache > to set caching options.

(Optional) In the Advanced Options section of the Export Cache options window, set the following options to create a standard Alembic file that is supported by third-party Alembic importers:

  • Multiple Transform, which creates a transform and curve node for each hair in the cache file.

    Otherwise, the hairs are cached as a curve group node under the description transform node.

  • Write Final Width, which saves the final width per-CV for each hair to the Alembic cache. Final width per-CV is calculated using the width per-CV ( based on the Width brush), Width Scale, and other width-based description node attributes, such as Taper.
Note: File Format is the only other Alembic export Advanced Option supported by interactive groom splines.

The Export Cache options are similar to the Alembic Export Options.

Disable All Caches On Selected/Enable All Caches On Selected

Temporarily disables the cache nodes and files belonging to the selected Description. Select Enable All Caches On Selected re-enable these cache nodes and files so they playback.

Replace Cache

Replaces the Alembic cache belonging to the selected Description with a newly generated cache.

Select Generate > Replace Cache > to set caching options.

Delete Cache

Deletes the cache nodes and files belonging to the selected Description.

Select Generate > Delete Cache > to set caching options.

Delete Nodes Ahead of Cache

Deletes all upstream nodes, including modifier and Sculpt nodes, connected to selected Description, while preserving the spline cache node.

Use this option if your hair or fur is saved to a cache file and you no longer want to modify the groom. This workflow assumes that your current cache contains all the necessary data for a final render your character groom.