Twist Brush Settings

This tool is designed for workflows that convert the final grooms to Maya geometry such as grooming games characters. See Prepare a groom for conversion to geometry.

Brush Mode

Hotkey: N toggles between Global and Local.

Applies twist to all of the CV's on the splines or guides that fall within the brush radius. Use this mode for twisting the entire spline or guide each stroke. This is the default setting.
Applies twist to the spline or guide CVs within the brush radius. Use this mode to apply twist to segments of a spline or guide each stroke.
Selection Mode
Use this option to apply twist to only the hairs or guides in the brush's initial drag selection.
Use this option to apply twist to all splines or guides within the brush radius as your stroke advances. This is the default setting.
Align to Surface
When on, splines and guides align to the surface of the bound mesh. The Brush Mode setting determines how the splines or guides get aligned. When set to Global, splines and guides twist until their CV's align perpendicular to the surface normal of the bound mesh. When set to Local, splines and guides within the brush radius align perpendicular to the surface normal of the bound mesh.

When Align to Surface is on, the brush only supports Surface Falloff Type.

Degrees per Stroke
Sets the amount in degrees that splines and guides twist each stroke, until the Max Angle value is reached.
Min Angle/ Max Angle
Lets you set minimum and maximum values for the total amount of twist, in degrees, that can be applied to splines and guides. For example, if you reach the set Max Angle value, the brush strokes stop applying twist.
Twists all or selected splines and guides based on the brush settings. Click Flood to apply the brush effect.