Comb, Grab, and Part Brush Settings

Tip: You can access a sub-set of these options in the marking menu by right-clicking when the brush is active.
Lock Selection
Specific to the Comb Brush When on, only hairs in the brush radius are affected as you drag in the direction you want to orient and bend the hairs. This option is off by default.

Lock Selection: Off

Lock Selection: On

Preserve Length
Specific to the Grab Brush. When on, hairs do stretch or compress, when the brush stroke pushes or pulls them. This option is by default.

Preserve Length: On

Preserve Length: Off

Specific to the Part Brush. Sets the method used by the brush to part the hairs. When set to Along Stroke, the hairs get pushed away from the center of the brush radius. This is the default setting.

When set to Away from Center, the hairs rotate away from the center of the brush radius.
