Custom Rig Character representation

Displays an image of a biped character and the effectors you can use to animate a Custom rig. This layout is similar to the Character representation in the Controls tab.

Once you load a character with a valid skeleton definition and Custom rig, you can begin to map your effectors. The Custom Rig Character representation includes cells for the major IK and FK effectors of your Custom rig. You can map as few or as many of these cells as you wish.

Cell status

Each IK and FK cell of the Character representation updates to reflect the status of the corresponding effector. The following table describes the various states of each cell:

Selection status
IK Cell Effector state


Not selected.


Assigned and selected.

Note: The small circular cells represent the up-vector effectors for the knees and elbows.
FK Cell Effector state


Not selected.


Assigned and selected.

Body Part views

Arrow icons next to the spine and neck let you switch to zoomed views where you can define individual effectors within the character's spine and neck.

By default, all 10 FK cells are displayed in the spine and neck views. Once you create a new Custom rig mapping for your character, the view will update to display only those FK cells that were initially mapped during skeleton definition.


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