in the
Shape Editor to add an in-between target shape to the selected target shape based on the options you set here. For more information, see
Add in-between target shapes.
Target Type
Absolute: Creates an in-between target shape whose state doesn't change according to the hero target shape (the target shape to which you are adding the in-between shape).
Relative: Creates an in-between target shape that changes in relation to the state of the hero target shape. You can select the type of interpolation (Linear, Smooth, or Custom), then edit the curve used for the interpolation.
Maximum Influence Weight
Use current target shape weight: Adds the in-between target shape using the current weight value of the hero (selected) target shape.
Custom: Use the slider to select a weight value for the in-between target shape to be added to the hero target shape.
Check topology
Select this option to check if the base object and the target object(s) selected to be used for the in-between target shape have the same topology (vertices for polygon objects or CVs for NURBS objects). Default is on.