Make a curve or surface open or closed

To... Do this

Join the ends of a curve together to make a periodic (closed) curve.

Select an open curve and choose Curves > Open/Close.

Make a periodic (closed) curve non-periodic.

Select the start CV (the CV that looks like a hollow box) and choose Curves > Detach.

Separate the ends of a periodic (closed) curve.

Select a closed curve and choose Curves > Open/Close. Maya opens the curve and reshapes it so its endpoints are separated.

Join edges of a surface to make a periodic (closed) surface.

Select an open surface and choose Surfaces > Open/Close > .

Click U, V, or Both to choose which edges to join.

Move the seam of a closed (periodic) curve.

Select an curve point on the curve and choose Curves > Move Seam. The seam will move to the edit point nearest your selected point.

Move the seam of a closed (periodic) surface.

Select an isoparm on the surface and choose Surfaces > Move Seam. The seam will move to the patch isoparm nearest your selected isoparm.

Change the direction in which a surface is periodic.

Select the surface and choose Surfaces > Open/Close > .

Click U, V, or Both to choose which edges are periodic.

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