A polyGear node is created whenever a cog primitive is created.
- Sides
- Determines the number of identical slices around the gear's center.
- Radius
- Determines the size of the gear as measured from its center to the furthest vertex.
- Internal Radius
- Determines the size of the hole at the gear's center as measured from its center to the furthest vertex.
- Height
- Determines the vertical size of the gear.
- Subdivisions
- Determines the number of times the gear is subdivided along its height.
- Gear Spacing
- Determines the horizontal length of each of the gear's extruded 'teeth'.
- Gear Offset
- Determines the vertical length of each of the gear's extruded 'teeth'.
- Gear Tip
- Determines how much to taper the gear's extruded 'teeth' at their tips.
- Gear Middle
- Determines how much to taper the gear's extruded 'teeth' at their midpoints.
- Twist
- Adds a directional twist along the gear's height.
- Taper Percentage
- Determines how much to taper the entire gear along its height.