
A shellDeformer node is created when you create a Type or SVG object.


Enable Animation

When enabled, animates the corresponding mesh based on the attribute settings below it.

Animation Position, Animation Rotation, Animation Scale

Transforms the corresponding mesh objects appropriately. By default, these attributes are driven by the Type or SVG node's Translate, Rotate, and Scale attributes in the Animation section. Animation curves can be tweaked in the Graph Editor.


Random Delay

When enabled, assigns a random delay to each object in the corresponding mesh. Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's Randomize Delay attribute.

Reverse Order

When enabled, inverts the current order in which the objects in the corresponding mesh are animated. Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's Reverse Order attribute.

Delay Frames

Sets the time delay between animating each object in the mesh. Delay is represented as the total delay for all objects over the animation time (thus the individual delay of each object would be the total frames of animation / number of objects in the mesh). Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's Delay Frames attribute.

Random Seed

Sets the number used to initialize the psudeo-random number generator used for the Random Delay attribute. Alter this value to change the current randomization. Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's Random Seed attribute.


X Pivot Location, Y Pivot Location, Z Pivot Location

Sets the pivot point, relative to a 1, 1, 1 bounding box, for all objects in the mesh. Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's X Pivot, Y Pivot, and X Pivot attributes.

Local XRotation Pivot, Local YRotation Pivot, Local ZRotation Pivot, Local XScale Pivot, Local YScale Pivot, Local ZScale Pivot

When enabled, sets the corresponding pivot to a local pivot relative to each object. Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's correspondingLocal Pivot attribute.


Displays the current frame. Connected to the global Time node.

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