Allows you to aim points in a particular direction.
Orient Node
Orient Mode
- Determines method of orientation. Options include:
Velocity: Orients objects along their direction of travel.
Aim at Target: Points objects toward a specified object in the scene.
Orient to Mesh Normal: Use a mesh to orient the input objects.
Solo X,
Solo Y,
Solo Z
- Dampen the effect of the node on the respective axis.
Up Vector
- Defines which direction is up for your objects. For the best results, point your input objects down the X axis.
Smooth Rotations
- Smooths the rotation animation over 10 frames. Particularly useful when used with a
Flight node.
Mute incoming
- Causes the node to mute any incoming rotation array.
Aim at Target Options
- Displays the object that the objects will aim at when
Orient Modeis set to
Aim at Target. You can assign the currently selected object either by middle-dragging it to this field or by right-clicking the field and clicking
Orient to Mesh Options
Input Mesh
- Displays the mesh that the objects will use to orient themselves whenOrient Modeis set to
Orient to Mesh Normal. You can assign the currently selected object either by middle-dragging it to this field or by right-clicking the field and clicking
Note: If you find the orientation changes too abrupt, you can add a
Spring node to the rotation channel to dampen the rotations.