Texturing menu


3D Paint Tool

Selects the 3D Paint Tool as your current paint brush.

See 3D Paint Tool, and 3D Paint Tool settings.


Create PSD Network

Creates a PSD texture network you can use as a texture map. The Create PSD Network Options appears.

See also Use PSD Networks as textures in Maya.

Edit PSD Network
Open the Edit PSD Network Options window so that you can edit the settings of your PSD network, such as the UV set and the default attributes for the material. See Create PSD Network Options.
Update PSD Networks

When you modify a PSD file (in Adobe Photoshop) that is connected to a Maya PSD node (in Maya), you can update (refresh) the image in Maya to show the modifications immediately.

See Update PSD Networks.


Create Texture Reference Object

Creates a texture reference object for the selected surface to lock a 3D texture or projected 2D texture to the surface. As the surface animates or deforms, the texture stays with the surface, producing a very natural looking result.

See also To create a Texture Reference Object .

Delete Texture Reference Object

Deletes the texture reference object for the selected surface if one exists. To select a reference object for a selected surface to delete it, either use Texturing > Select Texture Reference Object, or click the reference object’s heading in the Channel Box.

See also Select and delete a texture reference object.

Select Texture Reference Object

Selects the texture reference object for the selected surface if one exists. You can also click its heading in the Channel Box.

See also Select and delete a texture reference object.


NURBS Texture Placement Tool

Provides you with a 2D texture placement manipulator for the selected surface. When you create a 2D texture, an icon for the Texture Placement Tool appears in Maya’s tool bar.

For more information, see Texture placement vs. label mapping.

Select Texturing > NURBS Texture Placement Tool > for the Texture Placement Tool Settings window and set the following attribute:

Modify texture - Controls which of the texture’s 2D Texture Placement attributes you can interactively adjust—Surface placement or Label Mapping.