Hardware, software, and vector rendering

Software rendering

Software rendering produces images of the highest quality, letting you achieve the most sophisticated results.

Computation occurs on the CPU, as opposed to hardware rendering, which relies on the machine’s graphics card. Because it is not restricted by the computer's graphics card, software rendering generally is more flexible. The trade-off, however, is that software rendering is generally more time consuming.

Exactly what you can render depends on which software renderer you use and its particular limitations.

For more information, see Maya Software renderer.

Maya has the following software renderers:

Hardware rendering

Hardware rendering uses the computer's video card and drivers installed on the machine to render images to disk.

On systems with sufficient memory and graphic cards, Viewport 2.0 provides large scene performance optimization and high quality lighting and shaders. It allows for high interactivity: you can tumble complex scenes with many objects as well as large objects with heavy geometry.

For more information, see Working in Viewport 2.0.

Vector rendering

Vector rendering lets you create stylized renderings (for example, cartoon, tonal art, line art, hidden line, wireframe) in various bitmap image formats and 2D vector formats.

For more information, see Maya Vector renderer.