Set per-material vector rendering options

You can control the following attributes on a per-material basis when vector rendering:

For more information on the above attributes, see Render Settings: Maya Vector tab.

For more information on the above attributes, see Vector Renderer Control.


These attributes are only available on the following material nodes: Anisotropic, Blinn, Lambert, Phong, and Phong E.

You can find these attributes in the Vector Renderer Control section in the Attribute Editor for the material node (for example, phong1).

To set vector rendering material attributes

  1. Select the object with the material for which you want to set vector rendering attributes.
  2. In the Attribute Editor, select the material node, (for example, blinn1).
  3. Open the Vector Renderer Control section.
  4. Turn on Overwrite Default Values.
  5. Adjust the attributes as required.