Render with several processors

You can render a scene on a computer that has more than one processor and make use of some or all of its available processors.


We recommend that you use a single processor when batch rendering a scene that contains a spotlight, material transparency, and raytrace shadows.

To render on a computer with several processors from within Maya

  1. From the Maya window, select Render > Batch Render > .

    The Batch Render Frame window displays.

  2. To use all available processors on your computer for rendering, turn on Use all available processors.
  3. To use only some of the available processors on your computer for rendering, turn off Use all available processors and set Number of Processors to Use to the number of processors you want to use.
  4. Click Batch Render.

    Maya renders the animation.

To render on a computer with several processors from a shell or command line (Maya software rendering only)

  1. Type:

    Render -r sw -n <# of processors to render on> <scene>

    (If you do not use the -n option, only one processor is used for rendering.)

Examples (for Maya software rendering only):