Open image sequences in FCheck

Important: As of Maya 2020, FCheck is no longer supported on macOS. You can select a different default image viewer in the Applications preferences (Windows > Settings/Preferences > Preferences).

Opening an animation using the -n option

  1. The option -n allows you to open an animation, while specifying the start and end frames, and the intervals of frames.
  2. With FCheck closed, open a command prompt window.
  3. Determine what the start frame, end frame, and interval you want to open the animation with.
  4. Find out the format of the animation’s filename.

    See Convention for opening files to understand how FCheck specifies padded numbers for opening files.

  5. Type the following:
    fcheck -n <start> <end> <interval> <filename> 

    <start> is the number of the first frame to load.

    <end> is the number of the last frame to load.

    <interval> is the interval step to load by.

    <filename> is sequence filename. The filename must follow guidelines set in Convention for opening files.

  6. Press Enter.

    A FCheck Playback window displays the animation according to the specifications entered.

Creating a sequence of unrelated images.

  1. Using the -S option, you can display a list of unrelated images.
  2. With FCheck closed, open a command prompt window.
  3. Determine the images you want to make into a sequence.
  4. Type:
    fcheck -S <filename1> <filename2> <filename3>... 

    where <filename1,2,3,...> represents the images you want to display as a sequence in FCheck. The first image in the list is the start frame, and the last image is the end frame.

    A FCheck Playback window will appear displaying the sequence.