Create and load a plug-in multipixel filter

For Maya software renderer only.

To create a plug-in multipixel filter

  1. The Plug-in Filter Weight attribute is connected with the plug-in filter node and its value will be used as the filter weight. The filter does not have to be normalized.

    You can define a plug-in DG node with at least two input attributes and one output attribute with a float type. The input attributes require the short name X and Y. The output attribute has to be connected to the Plug In Filter Weight attribute in the renderQuality node.

    When the plug-in filter type is selected, the plug-in node is evaluated multiple times with different x and y weights, ranging in [-1..1]. The plug-in filter should be defined in the normalized domain [-1..1,-1..1]. The filter width change only affects the mapping of the normalized filter to the pixel coverage.

To load a plug-in multipixel filter

  1. The following assumes you have already created a multipixel filter plug-in.
  2. Copy the filter plug-in .so (Linux), or .mll (Windows), or .lib (Mac OS X) file to:
    • Linux: /maya/bin/plug-ins
    • Windows: drive:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya<version>\bin\plug-ins
    • Mac OS X: /Applications/Maya<version>/Application Support/plug-ins or to a directory where the Plug-in Manager can read them
  3. In Maya, click Window > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager.
  4. Load the plug-in you created.

Connect a plug-in multipixel filter

To connect a plug-in multipixel filter to the Plug-In Filter Weight

  1. In the Script Editor, create a plug-in node by typing:

    createNode <yourPluginNodeType>

    A node is created for the plug-in.

  2. Select the plug-in node by typing in the script editor:

    select <yourPluginNodeType>

  3. With the plug-in node selected, open the Connection Editor (Windows > General Editors > Connection Editor).
  4. Load the plug-in node to the left side of the Connection Editor.
  5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to load the defaultRenderQuality or user-created renderQuality node to the right side of the Connection Editor.
  6. Connect the plug-in node’s weight to the defaultRenderQuality Plug In Filter Weight attribute. You can use the multipixel filter plug-in.