C++ API Reference
#ifndef _cmdUtils_h_
#define _cmdUtils_h_
#include <cassert>
#include <maya/MStatus.h>
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>
// Some useful error handling macros.
#define MStatError(status,msg) \
if ( MS::kSuccess != (status) ) { \
MPxCommand::displayError( \
(msg) + MString(":") + (status).errorString()); \
return (status); \
#define MStatErrorNullObj(status,msg) \
if ( MS::kSuccess != (status) ) { \
MPxCommand::displayError( \
(msg) + MString(":") + (status).errorString()); \
return MObject::kNullObj; \
#define MCheckReturn(expression) \
{ \
MStatus status = (expression); \
if ( MS::kSuccess != (status) ) { \
return (status); \
} \
// Valid modes for a command to execute. They form a bitfield so that legal
// modes can be stored in a single integer but really only one mode can be
// active at a time.
enum CommandMode
kCreate = 0x01,
kEdit = 0x02,
kQuery = 0x04
// Helper class for packaging up command options into a simple flag object.
template <class T, CommandMode ValidModes>
class OptFlag
OptFlag() : fIsSet(false), fArg() {}
void parse(const MArgDatabase& argDb, const char* name)
MStatus status;
fIsSet = argDb.isFlagSet(name, &status);
assert(status == MS::kSuccess);
status = argDb.getFlagArgument(name, 0, fArg);
fIsArgValid = status == MS::kSuccess;
bool isModeValid(const CommandMode currentMode)
return !fIsSet || ((currentMode & ValidModes) != 0);
bool isSet () const { return fIsSet; }
bool isArgValid () const { return fIsArgValid; }
const T& arg () const { return fArg; }
const T& arg(const T& defValue) const
if (isSet())
return fArg;
return defValue;
bool fIsSet;
bool fIsArgValid;
T fArg;
// Specialization for flags with no argument.
template <CommandMode ValidModes>
class OptFlag<void, ValidModes>
OptFlag() : fIsSet(false) {}
void parse(const MArgDatabase& argDb, const char* name)
MStatus status;
fIsSet = argDb.isFlagSet(name, &status);
assert(status == MS::kSuccess);
bool isModeValid(const CommandMode currentMode)
return !fIsSet || ((currentMode & ValidModes) != 0);
bool isSet() const { return fIsSet; }
bool fIsSet;
// Copyright (c) 2012 Autodesk, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain
// unpublished proprietary information written by Autodesk, Inc., and are
// protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed to third
// parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without
// the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc.
#endif // _cmdUtils_h_