C++ API Reference
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#ifndef _apiMeshGeom
#define _apiMeshGeom
// This class holds the underlying geometry for the shape or data.
// This is where geometry specific data and methods should go.
#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MIntArray.h>
#include <maya/MFloatArray.h>
#include <maya/MVectorArray.h>
class apiMeshGeomUV;
class apiMeshGeomUV {
apiMeshGeomUV() { reset(); }
~apiMeshGeomUV() {}
int uvId( int faceVertexIndex ) const;
void getUV( int uvId, float &u, float &v ) const;
float u( int uvId ) const;
float v( int uvId ) const;
int uvcount() const;
void append_uv( float u, float v );
void reset();
MIntArray faceVertexIndex;
MFloatArray ucoord;
MFloatArray vcoord;
inline void apiMeshGeomUV::reset()
ucoord.clear(); vcoord.clear(); faceVertexIndex.clear();
inline void apiMeshGeomUV::append_uv( float u, float v )
ucoord.append( u );
vcoord.append( v );
inline int apiMeshGeomUV::uvId( int fvi ) const
return faceVertexIndex[fvi];
inline void apiMeshGeomUV::getUV( int uvId, float &u, float &v ) const
u = ucoord[uvId];
v = vcoord[uvId];
inline float apiMeshGeomUV::u( int uvId ) const
return ucoord[uvId];
inline float apiMeshGeomUV::v( int uvId ) const
return vcoord[uvId];
inline int apiMeshGeomUV::uvcount( ) const
return ucoord.length();
class apiMeshGeom
apiMeshGeom& operator=( const apiMeshGeom& );
MPointArray vertices;
MIntArray face_counts;
MIntArray face_connects;
MVectorArray normals;
apiMeshGeomUV uvcoords;
int faceCount;
#endif /* _apiMeshGeom */