C++ API Reference
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// Point iterator for control-point based geometry
// This is used by the translate/rotate/scale manipulators to
// determine where to place the manipulator when components are
// selected.
// As well deformers use this class to deform points of the shape.
#include <maya/MPxGeometryIterator.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include "apiMeshGeom.h"
class apiMeshGeomIterator : public MPxGeometryIterator
apiMeshGeomIterator( void * userGeometry, MObjectArray & components );
apiMeshGeomIterator( void * userGeometry, MObject & components );
~apiMeshGeomIterator() override;
// Overrides
void reset() override;
MPoint point() const override;
void setPoint( const MPoint & ) const override;
int iteratorCount() const override;
bool hasPoints() const override;
apiMeshGeom * geometry;