C++ API Reference
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
#include "moduleLogic.h"
#include "moduleLogicCmd.h"
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MFileObject.h>
#ifndef MAC_PLUGIN
#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
#define LINE (MAXPATHLEN * 3)
void MModuleLogic::ModuleDetectionLogicInit (threadData *data) {
//First lets make sure that the the autoLoad plugin doesn't flood the command window
//with commands when 'echo all commands' is set
MGlobal::executeCommand (_T("commandEcho -addFilter {\"loadModule\", \"moduleDetectionLogic\"};")) ;
data->szPlatform =MGlobal::executeCommandStringResult (_T("about -os;")) ; // return 'win64' on Windows x64
data->szVersion =MGlobal::mayaVersion () ; // return '2013 x64' on Maya 2013 / 2013.5 x64
data->szVersion =data->szVersion.substringW (0, 3) ; // remove '.5' and ' x64' if present
data->szLocale =MGlobal::executeCommandStringResult (_T("about -uil;")) ; // return 'en_US' on Maya English version
//- Now initialize the modules
MGlobal::executeCommand (_T("moduleInfo -lm;"), data->szModules, false, false) ;
for ( unsigned int i =0 ; i < data->szModules.length () ; i++ ) {
MString cmd, modName =data->szModules [i] ;
cmd.format (_T("moduleInfo -d -mn \"^1s\";"), modName) ;
MString modFile =MGlobal::executeCommandStringResult (cmd, false, false) ;
// Old module system (.mod or .txt file in modules folder), nothing additional things to process
// .mod file do not support anything more than setting variables, so we are ok
MString ext =modFile.substring (modFile.rindex (_T('.')) + 1, modFile.length () - 1).toLowerCase () ;
if ( ext != _T("xml") )
continue ;
MModuleLogic::InitNewModules (data, modName, modFile) ;
void MModuleLogic::InitNewModules (threadData *data, MString &modName, MString &packageFile) {
MModuleLogic::executePackageContents (data, packageFile) ;
void MModuleLogic::ModuleDetectionLogicCmdExecute (threadData *data) {
if ( threadData::bWaitingForCommand == false ) {
threadData::bWaitingForCommand =true ;
MGlobal::executeCommandOnIdle (kmoduleLogicCmdName, false) ;
void MModuleLogic::ModuleDetectionLogic (threadData *data, bool bInitNow /*=true*/) {
//MGlobal::executeCommand (_T("loadModule -all;"), false, false) ;
//data->szModules.clear () ;
//MGlobal::executeCommand (_T("moduleInfo -lm;"), data->szModules, false, false) ;
MString cmd ;
MStringArray newModules, newModulesName ;
MStatus ms =MGlobal::executeCommand (_T("loadModule -scan;"), newModules, false, false) ;
for ( unsigned int i =0 ; i < newModules.length () ; i++ ) {
MString modFile =newModules [i] ;
MString ext =modFile.substring (modFile.rindex (_T('.')) + 1, modFile.length () - 1).toLowerCase () ;
// Old module system does not describe its package content, so we assume all files are on disk
// For the new module system, the package can list all Vital files, so we need to check they are
// all present before initializing the module. Otherwise, we will wait a bit longer and try again
if ( ext == _T("xml") && !MModuleLogic::isPackageReady (data, modFile) )
continue ;
cmd.format (_T("loadModule -load \"^1s\";"), modFile) ;
ms =MGlobal::executeCommand (cmd, newModulesName, false, false) ;
data->szModules.append (newModulesName [0]) ;
// Old module system (.mod or .txt file in modules folder), nothing additional things to process
// .mod file do not support anything more than setting variables, so we are ok
if ( ext != _T("xml") )
continue ;
// Update the plug-in manager to show new plug-ins if any
// (do it now before it appears in Plug-in Manager Misc section)
MGlobal::executeCommand (_T("if ( `exists updatePluginModule` ) updatePluginModule();"), false, false) ;
MModuleLogic::InitNewModules (data, newModulesName [0], modFile) ;
//newModulesName.clear () ;
//ms =MGlobal::executeCommand (_T("moduleInfo -lm;"), newModulesName, false, false) ;
// Make sure the thread can call us again
threadData::bWaitingForCommand =false ;
bool MModuleLogic::isPackageReady (threadData *data, MString &modFile) {
xmlDocPtr doc =xmlParseFile (modFile.asChar ()) ;
if ( doc == NULL )
return (false) ;
xmlXPathContextPtr context =xmlXPathNewContext (doc) ;
MFileObject fmod ;
fmod.setRawFullName (modFile) ;
MString modPath =fmod.resolvedPath () ;
MString mxpath ;
mxpath.format (_T("//Components/RuntimeRequirements[(not(@OS) or contains(@OS, '^1s')) and (not(@Platform) or contains(@Platform, 'Maya'))]"), data->szPlatform) ;
xmlChar *xpath =(xmlChar *)mxpath.asChar () ;
xmlXPathObjectPtr result =xmlXPathEvalExpression (xpath, context) ;
bool bOk =true ;
if ( result != NULL && !xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty (result->nodesetval) ) {
for ( int j =0 ; j < result->nodesetval->nodeNr && bOk ; j++ ) {
xmlNodePtr reqNode =result->nodesetval->nodeTab [j] ;
context->node =reqNode->parent ;
//- We ignore ./MayaEnv XML nodes since Maya already processed them
//- Search for ./ComponentEntry XML nodes
xmlChar *xpathComp =(xmlChar *)"./ComponentEntry" ;
xmlXPathObjectPtr resultEntries =xmlXPathEvalExpression (xpathComp, context) ;
if ( resultEntries != NULL && !xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty (resultEntries->nodesetval) ) {
for ( int k =0 ; k < resultEntries->nodesetval->nodeNr && bOk ; k++ ) {
xmlNodePtr compNode =resultEntries->nodesetval->nodeTab [k] ;
xmlChar *compName =xmlGetProp (compNode, (xmlChar *)"ModuleName") ;
MFileObject fobj ;
fobj.setRawPath (modPath) ;
fobj.setRawName (MString ((char *)compName)) ;
if ( !fobj.exists () )
bOk =false ;
if ( compName != NULL )
xmlFree (compName) ;
if ( resultEntries != NULL )
xmlXPathFreeObject (resultEntries) ;
if ( result != NULL )
xmlXPathFreeObject (result) ;
if ( context != NULL )
xmlXPathFreeContext (context) ;
xmlFreeDoc (doc) ; // Pointer already tested above
return (bOk) ;
bool MModuleLogic::executePackageContents (threadData *data, MString &modFile) {
xmlDocPtr doc =xmlParseFile (modFile.asChar ()) ;
if ( doc == NULL )
return (false) ;
xmlXPathContextPtr context =xmlXPathNewContext (doc) ;
MString mxpath ;
mxpath.format (_T("//Components/RuntimeRequirements[(not(@OS) or contains(@OS, '^1s')) and (not(@Platform) or contains(@Platform, 'Maya'))]"), data->szPlatform) ;
xmlChar *xpath =(xmlChar *)mxpath.asChar () ;
xmlXPathObjectPtr result =xmlXPathEvalExpression (xpath, context) ;
if ( result != NULL && !xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty (result->nodesetval) ) {
for ( int j =0 ; j < result->nodesetval->nodeNr ; j++ ) {
xmlNodePtr reqNode =result->nodesetval->nodeTab [j] ;
context->node =reqNode->parent ;
//- We ignore ./MayaEnv XML nodes since Maya already processed them
//- Search for ./ComponentEntry XML nodes
MModuleLogic::executeComponentEntry (data, context) ;
if ( result != NULL )
xmlXPathFreeObject (result) ;
if ( context != NULL )
xmlXPathFreeContext (context) ;
xmlFreeDoc (doc) ; // Pointer already tested above
return (true) ;
bool MModuleLogic::executeComponentEntry (threadData *data, xmlXPathContextPtr &context) {
MString cmd ;
xmlChar *xpath =(xmlChar *)"./ComponentEntry" ;
xmlXPathObjectPtr result =xmlXPathEvalExpression (xpath, context) ;
if ( result != NULL && !xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty (result->nodesetval) ) {
for ( int j =0 ; j < result->nodesetval->nodeNr ; j++ ) {
xmlNodePtr compNode =result->nodesetval->nodeTab [j] ;
xmlChar *compName =xmlGetProp (compNode, (xmlChar *)"ModuleName") ;
xmlChar *autoload =xmlGetProp (compNode, (xmlChar *)"AutoLoad") ;
xmlChar *autoloadOnce = xmlGetProp (compNode, (xmlChar *)"AutoLoadOnce") ;
xmlChar *cmdInvoke =xmlGetProp (compNode, (xmlChar *)"LoadOnCommandInvocation") ;
if ( autoload != NULL && xmlStrcasecmp (autoload, (xmlChar *)"true") == 0 ) {
MFileObject fobj ;
fobj.setRawName (MString ((char *)compName)) ;
// For AutoLoad, plug-ins must be in the MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH
cmd.format (_T("if ( !`pluginInfo -query -loaded \"^1s\"` ) loadPlugin -quiet \"^1s\";"), fobj.resolvedName ()) ;
MGlobal::executeCommand (cmd, false, false) ;
cmd.format (_T("pluginInfo -q -path \"^1s\";"), fobj.resolvedName ()) ;
MString st =MGlobal::executeCommandStringResult (cmd, false, false) ;
cmd.format (_T("pluginInfo -edit -autoload true \"^1s\";"), st) ;
MGlobal::executeCommand (cmd, false, false) ;
} else if ( autoloadOnce != NULL && xmlStrcasecmp (autoloadOnce, (xmlChar *)"true") == 0 ) {
// Same as for AutoLoad but check if we have OptionVar of already initialized
// generate the oneTimeAutoLoad_pluginName
MFileObject fobj ;
fobj.setRawName (MString ((char *)compName)) ;
MString oneTimeAutoLoadPlugin = "oneTimeAutoLoadPlugin" + fobj.resolvedName();
if ( ! MGlobal::optionVarExists(oneTimeAutoLoadPlugin) ){
MGlobal::setOptionVarValue(oneTimeAutoLoadPlugin, 1);
// For AutoLoadOnce, plug-ins must be in the MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH
cmd.format (_T("if ( !`pluginInfo -query -loaded \"^1s\"` ) loadPlugin -quiet \"^1s\";"), fobj.resolvedName ()) ;
MGlobal::executeCommand (cmd, false, false) ;
cmd.format (_T("pluginInfo -q -path \"^1s\";"), fobj.resolvedName ()) ;
MString st =MGlobal::executeCommandStringResult (cmd, false, false) ;
cmd.format (_T("pluginInfo -edit -autoload true \"^1s\";"), st) ;
MGlobal::executeCommand (cmd, false, false) ;
} else if ( cmdInvoke != NULL && xmlStrcasecmp (cmdInvoke, (xmlChar *)"true") == 0 ) {
// Not supported yet
if ( cmdInvoke != NULL )
xmlFree (cmdInvoke) ;
if ( autoload != NULL )
xmlFree (autoload) ;
if ( compName != NULL )
xmlFree (compName) ;
if ( result != NULL )
xmlXPathFreeObject (result) ;
return (true) ;