C++ API Reference
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
#include <maya/MHardwareRenderer.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include "cgfxEffectDef.h"
#include "cgfxFindImage.h"
#include "cgfxShaderNode.h"
#include "cgfxShaderCommon.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <map>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <sys/timeb.h>
# include <string.h>
# define stricmp strcasecmp
# define strnicmp strncasecmp
#define TRACE_API_CALLS(x) cerr << "cgfxShader: "<<(x)<<"\n"
#define TRACE_API_CALLS(x)
// A per-vertex attribute on a shader
: fNext( NULL), fSourceType( kUnknown), fSourceIndex( 0), refcount(0)
void cgfxVertexAttribute::release() const
if (refcount <= 0)
M_CHECK( refcount == 0 );
delete this;
// A varying parameter to a pass
cgfxVaryingParameter::cgfxVaryingParameter(CGparameter parameter)
: fParameter( parameter),
fVertexAttribute( NULL),
fVertexStructure( NULL),
fNext( NULL)
if( parameter)
fName = cgGetParameterName( parameter);
delete fVertexStructure;
delete fNext;
void cgfxVaryingParameter::setupAttributes( cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute>& vertexAttributes, CGprogram program)
// Make sure our parameter name is acceptable is a Maya attribute name
MString attrName = fName;
int lastDot = attrName.rindex( '.');
if( lastDot >= 0)
attrName = attrName.substring( lastDot + 1, attrName.length() - 1);
MString semanticName = cgGetParameterSemantic( fParameter);
MString semantic(semanticName);
cgGetParameterSemantic( fParameter);
// Is this varying parameter packed or atomic?
CGtype type = cgGetNamedUserType( program, attrName.asChar());
if( type != CG_UNKNOWN_TYPE)
// It's packed: explode the inputs into the structure elements
CGcontext context = cgGetProgramContext( program);
CGparameter packing = cgCreateParameter( context, type);
fVertexStructure = new cgfxVaryingParameterStructure();
fVertexStructure->fLength = 0;
fVertexStructure->fSize = 0;
CGparameter element = cgGetFirstStructParameter( packing);
while( element)
MString elementName = cgGetParameterName( element);
int lastDot = elementName.rindex( '.');
if( lastDot >= 0)
elementName = elementName.substring( lastDot + 1, elementName.length() - 1);
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> attr = setupAttribute( elementName, semantic, element, vertexAttributes);
fVertexStructure->fElements[ fVertexStructure->fLength].fVertexAttribute = attr;
int size = cgGetParameterRows( element) * cgGetParameterColumns( element);
CGtype type = cgGetParameterBaseType( element);
if( type == CG_FLOAT) size *= sizeof( GLfloat);
else if( type == CG_INT) size *= sizeof( GLint);
fVertexStructure->fElements[ fVertexStructure->fLength].fSize = size;
fVertexStructure->fSize += size;
element = cgGetNextParameter( element);
cgDestroyParameter( packing);
// It's atomic - create a single, simple input
fVertexAttribute = setupAttribute( attrName, semantic, fParameter, vertexAttributes);
// Now pull apart the semantic string to work out where to bind
// this value in open GL (as the automagic binding through cgGL
// didn't work so well when this was written)
int radix = 1;
fGLIndex = 0;
unsigned int length = semantic.length();
const char* str = semantic.asChar();
// If sematic is NULL then stop here, bug 327649
if (length == 0) {
fGLType = glRegister::kUnknown;
char c = str[ length - 1];
if( c < '0' || c > '9') break;
fGLIndex += radix * (c - '0');
radix *= 10;
if( semantic.length() != length)
semantic = semantic.substring( 0, length - 1);
// Determine the semantic and setup the gl binding type we should use
// to set this parameter. If there's a sensible default value, set that
// while we're here.
// Note there is no need to set the source type, this gets determined
// when the vertex attribute sources are analysed
if( semantic == "POSITION")
fGLType = glRegister::kPosition;
fVertexAttribute->fSourceName = "position";
else if( semantic == "NORMAL")
fGLType = glRegister::kNormal;
if( fVertexAttribute.isNull() == false )
fVertexAttribute->fSourceName = "normal";
else if( semantic == "TEXCOORD")
fGLType = glRegister::kTexCoord;
if( fVertexAttribute.isNull() == false )
if( attrName.toLowerCase() == "tangent")
fVertexAttribute->fSourceName = "tangent:map1";
else if( attrName.toLowerCase() == "binormal")
fVertexAttribute->fSourceName = "binormal:map1";
fVertexAttribute->fSourceName = "uv:map1";
else if( semantic == "TANGENT")
fGLType = glRegister::kTexCoord;
fGLIndex += 6; // TANGENT is TEXCOORD6
if( fVertexAttribute.isNull() == false )
fVertexAttribute->fSourceName = "tangent:map1";
else if( semantic == "BINORMAL")
fGLType = glRegister::kTexCoord;
fGLIndex += 7; // BINORMAL is TEXCOORD7
if( fVertexAttribute.isNull() == false )
fVertexAttribute->fSourceName = "binormal:map1";
else if( semantic == "COLOR")
fGLType = fGLIndex == 1 ? glRegister::kSecondaryColor : glRegister::kColor;
else if( semantic == "ATTR")
fGLType = glRegister::kVertexAttrib;
if( fVertexAttribute.isNull() == false )
fVertexAttribute->fSourceName = semanticName;
else if( semantic == "PSIZE")
fGLType = glRegister::kVertexAttrib;
fGLIndex = 6;
fGLType = glRegister::kUnknown;
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> cgfxVaryingParameter::setupAttribute(
MString name,
const MString& semantic,
CGparameter parameter,
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute>& vertexAttributes
// Does a varying parameter of this name already exist?
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute>* attribute = &vertexAttributes;
while( attribute->isNull() == false )
if( (*attribute)->fName == name)
return *attribute;
attribute = &(*attribute)->fNext;
// Add a new input for this parameter
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> attr = cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute>(new cgfxVertexAttribute());
*attribute = attr;
// Setup the varying parameter description
attr->fName = name;
attr->fType = cgGetTypeString( cgGetParameterType( parameter));
attr->fSemantic = semantic;
return attr;
void cgfxVaryingParameter::bind(
const MDagPath& shape, cgfxStructureCache* cache,
int vertexCount, const float * vertexArray,
int normalsPerVertex, int normalCount, const float ** normalArrays,
int colorCount, const float ** colorArrays,
int texCoordCount, const float ** texCoordArrays
) const
bool result = false;
if( fVertexAttribute.isNull() == false && fParameter)
switch( fVertexAttribute->fSourceType)
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kPosition:
result = bind( vertexArray, 3);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kNormal:
if( normalCount > 0 && normalArrays[ 0])
result = bind( normalArrays[0], 3);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kUV:
if( texCoordCount > fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex && texCoordArrays[ fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex])
result = bind( texCoordArrays[ fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex], 2);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kTangent:
if( normalCount >= normalsPerVertex * fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 1 && normalArrays[ normalsPerVertex * fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 1])
result = bind( normalArrays[ normalsPerVertex * fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 1], 3);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kBinormal:
if( normalCount >= normalsPerVertex * fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 2 && normalArrays[ normalsPerVertex * fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 2])
result = bind( normalArrays[ normalsPerVertex * fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 2], 3);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kColor:
if( colorCount > fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex && colorArrays[ fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex])
result = bind( colorArrays[ fVertexAttribute->fSourceIndex], 4);
else if( fVertexStructure && fParameter && vertexCount)
// Build a unique name for the contents of this structure
MString structureName;
structureName += fVertexStructure->fSize;
for( int i = 0; i < fVertexStructure->fLength; i++)
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> vertexAttribute = fVertexStructure->fElements[ i].fVertexAttribute;
if( vertexAttribute.isNull() == false ) structureName += fVertexStructure->fElements[ i].fVertexAttribute->fSourceName;
structureName += fVertexStructure->fElements[ i].fSize;
// See if this data already exists in the cache
char* data = cache->findEntry(shape, structureName);
// If we couldn't find it, add it to the cache
if (!data)
// Allocate storage for this structure
//printf( "Added new cache entry for %s on %s\n", structureName.asChar(), shape.fullPathName().asChar());
data = cache->addEntry(
shape, structureName, fVertexStructure->fSize, vertexCount);
char* dest = data;
for( int i = 0; i < fVertexStructure->fLength; i++)
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> vertexAttribute = fVertexStructure->fElements[ i].fVertexAttribute;
if( vertexAttribute.isNull() == false )
const char* src = NULL;
int size = 0;
switch( vertexAttribute->fSourceType)
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kPosition:
src = (const char*)vertexArray;
size = 3 * sizeof( float);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kNormal:
if( normalCount > 0 && normalArrays[ 0])
src = (const char*)normalArrays[0];
size = 3 * sizeof( float);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kUV:
if( texCoordCount > vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex && texCoordArrays[ vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex])
src = (const char*)texCoordArrays[ vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex];
size = 2 * sizeof( float);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kTangent:
if( normalCount >= normalsPerVertex * vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 1 && normalArrays[ normalsPerVertex * vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 1])
src = (const char*)normalArrays[ normalsPerVertex * vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 1];
size = 3 * sizeof( float);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kBinormal:
if( normalCount >= normalsPerVertex * vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 2 && normalArrays[ normalsPerVertex * vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 2])
src = (const char*)normalArrays[ normalsPerVertex * vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex + 2];
size = 3 * sizeof( float);
case cgfxVertexAttribute::kColor:
if( colorCount > vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex && colorArrays[ vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex])
src = (const char*)colorArrays[ vertexAttribute->fSourceIndex];
size = 4 * sizeof( float);
// Do we have a valid input?
if( src && size)
// Setup this element
int srcSkip = 0;
if( size > fVertexStructure->fElements[ i].fSize)
srcSkip = size - fVertexStructure->fElements[ i].fSize;
size = fVertexStructure->fElements[ i].fSize;
int dstSkip = fVertexStructure->fSize - size;
char* dst = dest;
for( int v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
for( int b = 0; b < size; b++)
*dst++ = *src++;
src += srcSkip;
dst += dstSkip;
// NULL this element
size = fVertexStructure->fElements[ i].fSize;
int dstSkip = fVertexStructure->fSize - size;
char* dst = dest;
for( int v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
for( int b = 0; b < size; b++)
*dst++ = 0;
dst += dstSkip;
dest += fVertexStructure->fElements[ i].fSize;
result = bind( (const float*)data, fVertexStructure->fSize / sizeof( float));
// If we were unable to bind a stream of data to this register, set a friendly NULL value
if( !result)
// Bind data to GL
bool cgfxVaryingParameter::bind( const float* data, int stride) const
bool result = false;
switch( fGLType)
case glRegister::kPosition:
glVertexPointer( stride, GL_FLOAT, 0, data);
result = true;
case glRegister::kNormal:
if( stride == 3)
glNormalPointer( GL_FLOAT, 0, data);
result = true;
case glRegister::kTexCoord:
if( fGLIndex < glStateCache::sMaxTextureUnits)
glStateCache::instance().enableAndActivateTexCoord( fGLIndex);
glTexCoordPointer( stride, GL_FLOAT, 0, data);
result = true;
case glRegister::kColor:
if( stride > 2)
glColorPointer( stride, GL_FLOAT, 0, data);
result = true;
case glRegister::kSecondaryColor:
if( stride > 2)
if( glVertexAttribPointer)
glSecondaryColorPointer( stride, GL_FLOAT, 0, (GLvoid*)data);
result = true;
case glRegister::kVertexAttrib:
glStateCache::instance().enableVertexAttrib( fGLIndex);
if( glVertexAttribPointer)
glVertexAttribPointer( fGLIndex, stride, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, data);
result = true;
return result;
bool cgfxVaryingParameter::bind(const sourceStreamInfo& source) const
// should assert(dataBufferId > 0) here
// ...
const unsigned int stride = source.fStride;
const unsigned int offset = source.fOffset;
const unsigned int dimension = source.fDimension;
const unsigned int elementSize = source.fElementSize;
const GLuint bufferId = source.fDataBufferId;
glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, bufferId);
#define GLOBJECT_BUFFER_OFFSET(i) ((char *)NULL + (i)) // For GLObject offsets
switch( fGLType)
case glRegister::kPosition:
glVertexPointer(dimension, GL_FLOAT, stride*elementSize, GLOBJECT_BUFFER_OFFSET(offset));
case glRegister::kNormal:
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, stride*elementSize, GLOBJECT_BUFFER_OFFSET(offset));
case glRegister::kTexCoord:
if( fGLIndex < glStateCache::sMaxTextureUnits)
glStateCache::instance().enableAndActivateTexCoord( fGLIndex);
glTexCoordPointer(dimension, GL_FLOAT, stride*elementSize, GLOBJECT_BUFFER_OFFSET(offset));
case glRegister::kColor:
glColorPointer(dimension, GL_FLOAT, stride*elementSize, GLOBJECT_BUFFER_OFFSET(offset));
case glRegister::kSecondaryColor:
if( glVertexAttribPointer)
glSecondaryColorPointer(dimension, GL_FLOAT, stride*elementSize, GLOBJECT_BUFFER_OFFSET(offset));
case glRegister::kVertexAttrib:
glStateCache::instance().enableVertexAttrib( fGLIndex);
if( glVertexAttribPointer)
glVertexAttribPointer( fGLIndex, dimension, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride*elementSize, GLOBJECT_BUFFER_OFFSET(offset));
if(source.fSourceType == cgfxVertexAttribute::kPosition) {
glVertexPointer(dimension, GL_FLOAT, stride*elementSize, GLOBJECT_BUFFER_OFFSET(offset));
return false; //these we don't support yet
return true;
// Send null data to GL
void cgfxVaryingParameter::null() const
switch( fGLType)
case glRegister::kPosition:
//null position is not expected, give a warning
MGlobal::displayWarning( "There is no position data!" );
case glRegister::kNormal:
glNormal3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
case glRegister::kTexCoord:
glStateCache::instance().activeTexture( fGLIndex);
glMultiTexCoord4fARB( GL_TEXTURE0 + fGLIndex, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
case glRegister::kColor:
glColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
case glRegister::kSecondaryColor:
if( glSecondaryColor3f)
glSecondaryColor3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
case glRegister::kVertexAttrib:
if( glVertexAttrib4f)
glVertexAttrib4f( fGLIndex, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
inline void cgfxVaryingParameter::addRecursive(
CGparameter parameter,
cgfxVaryingParameter**& nextParameter
if( cgGetParameterVariability( parameter) == CG_VARYING)
if( cgGetParameterType( parameter) == CG_STRUCT)
CGparameter input = cgGetFirstStructParameter( parameter);
while( input)
addRecursive( input, nextParameter);
input = cgGetNextParameter( input);
else if( cgIsParameterReferenced( parameter))
*nextParameter = new cgfxVaryingParameter( parameter);
nextParameter = &(*nextParameter)->fNext;
// A pass in a technique
CGpass pass,
const cgfxProfile* profile
: fPass( pass),
fProgram( NULL),
fParameters( NULL),
fDefaultProfile("default", pass),
fNext( NULL)
if( pass)
fName = cgGetPassName( pass);
CGstateassignment stateAssignment = cgGetFirstStateAssignment( pass);
cgfxVaryingParameter** nextParameter = &fParameters;
while( stateAssignment )
CGstate state = cgGetStateAssignmentState( stateAssignment);
if( cgGetStateType( state) == CG_PROGRAM_TYPE &&
( stricmp( cgGetStateName( state), "vertexProgram") == 0 ||
stricmp( cgGetStateName( state), "vertexShader") == 0))
fProgram = cgGetProgramStateAssignmentValue( stateAssignment);
if( fProgram)
CGparameter parameter = cgGetFirstParameter( fProgram, CG_PROGRAM);
while( parameter)
cgfxVaryingParameter::addRecursive( parameter, nextParameter);
parameter = cgGetNextParameter( parameter);
stateAssignment = cgGetNextStateAssignment( stateAssignment);
delete fNext;
delete fParameters;
void cgfxPass::setupAttributes(cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute>& vertexAttributes) const
cgfxVaryingParameter* parameter = fParameters;
while( parameter)
parameter->setupAttributes( vertexAttributes, fProgram);
parameter = parameter->fNext;
void cgfxPass::setProfile(const cgfxProfile* profile) const
// If profile is null, we use the default Cg profile, i.e. the
// profile specified in the .cgfx file.
if (profile == NULL) profile = &fDefaultProfile;
CGprogram vp = cgGetPassProgram(fPass, CG_VERTEX_DOMAIN);
if (vp != NULL &&
cgGetProgramProfile(vp) != profile->getVertexProfile())
cgSetProgramProfile(vp, profile->getVertexProfile());
CGprogram gp = cgGetPassProgram(fPass, CG_GEOMETRY_DOMAIN);
if (gp != NULL &&
profile->getGeometryProfile() != CG_PROFILE_UNKNOWN &&
cgGetProgramProfile(gp) != profile->getGeometryProfile())
cgSetProgramProfile(gp, profile->getGeometryProfile());
CGprogram fp = cgGetPassProgram(fPass, CG_FRAGMENT_DOMAIN);
if (fp != NULL &&
cgGetProgramProfile(fp) != profile->getFragmentProfile())
cgSetProgramProfile(fp, profile->getFragmentProfile());
void cgfxPass::bind(
const MDagPath& shape, cgfxStructureCache* cache,
int vertexCount, const float * vertexArray,
int normalsPerVertex, int normalCount, const float ** normalArrays,
int colorCount, const float ** colorArrays,
int texCoordCount, const float ** texCoordArrays
) const
cgfxVaryingParameter* parameter = fParameters;
while( parameter)
parameter->bind(shape, cache,
vertexCount, vertexArray,
normalsPerVertex, normalCount, normalArrays,
colorCount, colorArrays,
texCoordCount, texCoordArrays);
parameter = parameter->fNext;
void cgfxPass::bind(const sourceStreamInfo dataSources[], const int sourceCount) const
cgfxVaryingParameter* parameter = fParameters;
while( parameter)
// Here we only deal with fVertexAttribute. How to do fVertexStructure?
if (parameter->fVertexAttribute.isNull() == false) {
//find the corresponding data buffer
int index = 0;
for(index = 0; index < sourceCount; ++index)
// printf(
// " Compare param %s (0x%p) [%s] name (type=%d) with data source name [%s] (type=%d)\n",
// parameter->fName.asChar(),
// parameter,
// parameter->fVertexAttribute->fSourceName.asChar(),
// parameter->fVertexAttribute->fSourceType,
// dataSources[index].fSourceName.asChar(),
// dataSources[index].fSourceType);
if (dataSources[index].fSourceName == parameter->fVertexAttribute->fSourceName )
// we find the correct vertex stream
if(index < sourceCount)
// printf(" Binding source name [%s]\n", dataSources[index].fSourceName.asChar());
if(!parameter->bind(dataSources[index])) {
// This is a true error. Binding should normally
// always succeed here as the geometry
// requirements are verified in
// cgfxShaderOverride::initialize().
MString s = "cgfxShader : Couldn't bind source \"";
s += dataSources[index].fSourceName;
s += "\" for vertex attribute \"";
s += parameter->fVertexAttribute->fSourceName;;
s +="\".";
// printf(" Can't find the source for source name [%s] for parameter [%s]\n",
// parameter->fVertexAttribute->fSourceName.asChar(),
// parameter->fVertexAttribute->fName.asChar());
// There is no matching source for this parameter. We
// therefore bind null data for this parameter. Note
// that this fact should have already been reported
// to the user in cgfxShaderOverride::initialize(). We
// don't report it to the user here because it would
// get repetitively reported for each redraw.
parameter = parameter->fNext;
// printf(" Successfully bound sources\n");
// A technique in an effect
CGtechnique technique,
const cgfxProfile* profile
: fTechnique( technique),
if (technique)
fName = cgGetTechniqueName(technique);
CGpass pass = cgGetFirstPass(technique);
cgfxPass** nextPass = &fPasses;
while (pass)
*nextPass = new cgfxPass(pass, profile);
nextPass = &(*nextPass)->fNext;
pass = cgGetNextPass(pass);
fHasBlending = hasBlending(fTechnique);
delete fNext;
delete fPasses;
fNext = 0;
fPasses = 0;
void cgfxTechnique::setProfile(const cgfxProfile* profile) const
const cgfxProfile* supportedProfile = getSupportedProfile(profile);
const cgfxPass* pass = fPasses;
while (pass) {
pass = pass->fNext;
// Changing the profile might change the validity of the technique.
void cgfxTechnique::validate() const
fValid = (cgValidateTechnique(fTechnique) == CG_TRUE);
if (fValid) {
fErrorString = "";
else {
CGerror error = cgGetError();
if (error != CG_NO_ERROR) {
fErrorString = cgGetErrorString(cgGetError());
fErrorString += "\nCg compilation errors for technique \"";
fErrorString += fName;
fErrorString += "\":\n";
fErrorString += cgGetLastListing(cgfxShaderNode::sCgContext);
fErrorString += "\n";
const cgfxProfile* cgfxTechnique::getSupportedProfile(const cgfxProfile* profile) const
if (profile == NULL) {
// The user wants to use the default profile. Let's see if
// this is supported on the current platform.
bool allPassProfilesSupported = true;
const cgfxPass* pass = fPasses;
while (pass) {
if (!pass->fDefaultProfile.isSupported()) {
allPassProfilesSupported = false;
pass = pass->fNext;
if (allPassProfilesSupported) {
// Ok. We can use the default profile!
return NULL;
else {
MString es;
es += "The technique \"";
es += fName;
es += "\" specifies Cg profiles that are unsupported on this platform. "
"The profile \"";
es += cgfxProfile::getBestProfile()->getName();
es += "\" will be used instead.";
return cgfxProfile::getBestProfile();
else {
return profile;
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> cgfxTechnique::getVertexAttributes() const
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxVertexAttribute> vertexAttributes;
const cgfxPass* pass = fPasses;
while (pass) {
pass = pass->fNext;
return vertexAttributes;
// Scan the technique for passes which use blending
bool cgfxTechnique::hasBlending(CGtechnique technique)
// Assume not blending
bool hasBlending = false;
// Check for : BlendEnable=true, BlendFunc=something valid on the first pass only.
// We ignore any depth enable and functions for now...
CGpass cgPass = cgGetFirstPass(technique);
bool foundBlendEnabled = false;
bool foundBlendFunc = false;
if (cgPass)
CGstateassignment stateAssignment = cgGetFirstStateAssignment(cgPass);
while ( stateAssignment )
CGstate state = cgGetStateAssignmentState( stateAssignment);
const char *stateName = cgGetStateName(state);
// Check for blend enabled.
if (!foundBlendEnabled && stricmp( stateName, "BlendEnable") == 0)
int numValues = 0;
const CGbool *values = cgGetBoolStateAssignmentValues(stateAssignment, &numValues);
if (values && numValues)
if (values[0])
foundBlendEnabled = true;
// Check for valid blend function
else if (!foundBlendFunc && ( stricmp( stateName, "BlendFunc") == 0 ||
stricmp( stateName, "BlendFuncSeparate") == 0 ))
int numValues = 0;
const int * values = cgGetIntStateAssignmentValues(stateAssignment, &numValues);
if (values)
#define GL_SRC_COLOR 0x0300 = 768
#define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 0x0301 = 769
#define GL_SRC_ALPHA 0x0302 = 770
#define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 0x0303 = 771
#define GL_DST_ALPHA 0x0304 = 772
#define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA 0x0305 = 773
MString blendStringTable[6] =
"GL_SRC_COLOR", // SrcColor
"GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR", // OneMinusSrcColor
"GL_SRC_ALPHA", // SrcAlpha
"GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA", // OneMinusSrcAlpha
"GL_DST_ALPHA", // DstAlpha
"GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA" // OneMinusDstAlpha
for (int i=0; i<numValues; i++)
if ((values[i] >= GL_SRC_COLOR) && (values[i] <= GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA))
printf("Found blend function = %s, %s\n",
blendStringTable[ values[0]-GL_SRC_COLOR].asChar(),
blendStringTable[ values[1]-GL_SRC_COLOR].asChar());
foundBlendFunc = true;
hasBlending = foundBlendEnabled && foundBlendFunc;
if (hasBlending)
stateAssignment = cgGetNextStateAssignment( stateAssignment);
return hasBlending;
namespace cgfxEffectInternal
time_t fileTimeStamp(const MString& fileName)
struct stat statBuf;
if( stat(fileName.asChar(), &statBuf) != 0 )
return 0;
return statBuf.st_mtime;
struct EffectKey
const cgfxProfile* profile;
MString fileName;
time_t timeStamp;
bool operator< (const EffectKey& lhs, const EffectKey& rhs)
return (lhs.profile < rhs.profile) ||
(lhs.profile == rhs.profile && ( (lhs.timeStamp < rhs.timeStamp) ||
(lhs.timeStamp == rhs.timeStamp && strcmp(lhs.fileName.asChar(), rhs.fileName.asChar()) < 0) ) );
// Collection of effects
// The collection does not use smart pointer (cgfxRCPtr) to store the effects
// Otherwise they will never get released (refCount always >= 1)
// Effect will have to be manually removed from collection by desctructor (~cgfxEffect())
class cgfxEffectCollection
cgfxEffect* find(const MString& fileName, const cgfxProfile* profile) const;
void add(cgfxEffect* effect, const MString& fileName, const cgfxProfile* profile);
void remove(cgfxEffect* effect);
typedef std::map< cgfxEffect*, EffectKey > Effect2KeyMap;
Effect2KeyMap effect2KeyMap;
typedef std::map< EffectKey, cgfxEffect* > Key2EffectMap;
Key2EffectMap key2EffectMap;
cgfxEffect* cgfxEffectCollection::find(const MString& fileName, const cgfxProfile* profile) const
cgfxEffect* effect = NULL;
EffectKey key = { profile, fileName, fileTimeStamp(fileName) } ;
Key2EffectMap::const_iterator it = key2EffectMap.find(key);
if(it != key2EffectMap.end())
effect = it->second;
return effect;
void cgfxEffectCollection::add(cgfxEffect* effect, const MString& fileName, const cgfxProfile* profile)
EffectKey key = { profile, fileName, fileTimeStamp(fileName) } ;
key2EffectMap.insert( std::make_pair(key, effect) );
effect2KeyMap.insert( std::make_pair(effect, key) );
void cgfxEffectCollection::remove(cgfxEffect* effect)
Effect2KeyMap::iterator it = effect2KeyMap.find(effect);
if(it != effect2KeyMap.end())
key2EffectMap.erase( it->second );
effect2KeyMap.erase( it );
static cgfxEffectCollection gEffectsCollection;
cgfxRCPtr<const cgfxEffect> cgfxEffect::loadEffect(const MString& fileName, const cgfxProfile* profile)
cgfxEffect *effect = cgfxEffectInternal::gEffectsCollection.find(fileName, profile);
if(effect == NULL)
effect = new cgfxEffect(fileName, profile);
cgfxEffectInternal::gEffectsCollection.add(effect, fileName, profile);
return cgfxRCPtr<const cgfxEffect>(effect);
// An effect
cgfxEffect::cgfxEffect(const MString& fileName, const cgfxProfile* profile)
: refcount(0),
MStringArray fileOptions;
cgfxGetFxIncludePath( fileName, fileOptions );
if (cgfxProfile::getTexCoordOrientation() == cgfxProfile::TEXCOORD_OPENGL) {
else {
const char *opts[_CGFX_PLUGIN_MAX_COMPILER_ARGS_];
unsigned int numOpts = fileOptions.length();
if (numOpts)
numOpts = (numOpts > _CGFX_PLUGIN_MAX_COMPILER_ARGS_-1) ?
for (unsigned int i=0; i<numOpts; i++)
opts[i] = fileOptions[i].asChar();
opts[numOpts] = NULL;
fEffect = cgCreateEffectFromFile(cgfxShaderNode::sCgContext, fileName.asChar(), opts);
if (fEffect)
CGtechnique technique = cgGetFirstTechnique(fEffect);
cgfxTechnique** nextTechnique = const_cast<cgfxTechnique**>(&fTechniques);
while (technique)
*nextTechnique = new cgfxTechnique(technique, profile);
nextTechnique = &(*nextTechnique)->fNext;
technique = cgGetNextTechnique(technique);
fProfile = profile;
// Remove this effect from the collection
delete fTechniques;
if (fEffect) {
fEffect = NULL;
fTechniques = NULL;
void cgfxEffect::release() const
if (refcount <= 0)
M_CHECK( refcount == 0 );
delete this;
const cgfxTechnique* cgfxEffect::getTechnique(MString techniqueName) const
const cgfxTechnique* technique = fTechniques;
if(technique->fName == techniqueName)
technique = technique->fNext;
return technique;
void cgfxEffect::setProfile(const cgfxProfile* profile) const
if (fProfile != profile) {
fProfile = profile;
const cgfxTechnique* technique = fTechniques;
technique = technique->fNext;
// ========== cgfxEffect::attrsFromEffect ==========
// This function parses through an effect and builds a list of
// cgfxAttrDef objects.
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxAttrDefList> cgfxEffect::attrsFromEffect() const
if (!fEffect)
return cgfxRCPtr<cgfxAttrDefList>();
cgfxRCPtr<cgfxAttrDefList> list(new cgfxAttrDefList);
CGparameter cgParameter = cgGetFirstEffectParameter(fEffect);
int i = 0;
while (cgParameter)
cgfxAttrDef* aDef = new cgfxAttrDef(cgParameter);
cgParameter = cgGetNextParameter(cgParameter);
} // end of for each parameter
return list;
: fEntries(NULL)
const MDagPath& shape, const MString& name, int stride, int count
: fShape(shape.node()),
fData(new char[ stride * count])
delete[] fData;
fNext = 0;
char* cgfxStructureCache::findEntry(const MDagPath& shape, const MString& name)
Entry** entry = &fEntries;
while (*entry)
if( !(*entry)->fShape.isValid() || !(*entry)->fShape.isAlive())
Entry* staleEntry = *entry;
*entry = staleEntry->fNext;
delete staleEntry;
if( (*entry)->fShape == shape.node() && (*entry)->fName == name)
return (*entry)->fData;
entry = &(*entry)->fNext;
return NULL;
char* cgfxStructureCache::addEntry(
const MDagPath& shape,
const MString& name,
int stride,
int count
Entry* cacheEntry = new Entry(shape, name, stride, count);
cacheEntry->fNext = fEntries;
fEntries = cacheEntry;
return cacheEntry->fData;
void cgfxStructureCache::flush()
delete fEntries;
fEntries = NULL;
void cgfxStructureCache::flush(const MDagPath& shape)
Entry** cacheEntry = &fEntries;
while( *cacheEntry)
if( !(*cacheEntry)->fShape.isValid() || !(*cacheEntry)->fShape.isAlive() ||
(*cacheEntry)->fShape == shape.node())
Entry* staleEntry = (*cacheEntry);
*cacheEntry = staleEntry->fNext;
staleEntry->fNext = NULL;
delete staleEntry;
cacheEntry = &(*cacheEntry)->fNext;