C++ API Reference
// Copyright (C) 2002 NVIDIA
// File: cgfxVector.cpp
// Dependency Graph Node: cgfxVector
// Description:
// The cgfxVector node is used to convert a vector in the scene to
// world coordinates. The inputs are a vector in local coordinates,
// a flag indicating whether the vector is a position or a direction,
// and a matrix that will transoform the vector to world coordinates.
// This matrix is generally the worldInverseMatrix of the vector.
// Author: Jim Atkinson
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
#include "cgfxShaderCommon.h"
#include "cgfxVector.h"
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnMatrixData.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
// The typeid is a unique 32bit indentifier that describes this node.
// It is used to save and retrieve nodes of this type from the binary
// file format. If it is not unique, it will cause file IO problems.
#ifdef _WIN32
MTypeId cgfxVector::sId( 4084862001 );
MTypeId cgfxVector::sId( 0xF37A0C31 );
// There needs to be a MObject handle declared for each attribute that
// the node will have. These handles are needed for getting and setting
// the values later.
// Input vector attribute
MObject cgfxVector::sVector;
MObject cgfxVector::sVectorX;
MObject cgfxVector::sVectorY;
MObject cgfxVector::sVectorZ;
// Input position/direction flag. If isDirection is set then
// the vector represents a direction and the W coordinate is
// 0.0. If it is not set then W is 1.0.
MObject cgfxVector::sIsDirection;
// Input matrix attribute
MObject cgfxVector::sMatrix;
// Output world coordinate vector attribute
MObject cgfxVector::sWorldVector;
MObject cgfxVector::sWorldVectorX;
MObject cgfxVector::sWorldVectorY;
MObject cgfxVector::sWorldVectorZ;
MObject cgfxVector::sWorldVectorW;
// Nothing to construct
/* virtual */
// Nothing to destruct
/* virtual */
MStatus cgfxVector::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
MStatus status;
if( plug == sWorldVector ||
plug == sWorldVectorX ||
plug == sWorldVectorY ||
plug == sWorldVectorZ ||
plug == sWorldVectorW)
// We do isDirection first simply because if there is an
// error, the isDirection error is more legible than the
// vector or matrix error.
MDataHandle dhIsDirection = data.inputValue(sIsDirection, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: isDirection handle");
return status;
MDataHandle dhVector = data.inputValue(sVector, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: vector handle");
return status;
MMatrix matrix;
MPlug matrixPlug(thisMObject(), sMatrix);
if (matrixPlug.isNull())
OutputDebugString("matrixPlug is NULL!\n");
// TODO: Fix this kludge.
// We should not have to do this but for some reason,
// using data.inputValue() fails for the sMatrix attribute.
// Instead, we get a plug to the attribute and then get
// the value directly.
MObject oMatrix;
MFnMatrixData fndMatrix(oMatrix, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: matrix data");
matrix= fndMatrix.matrix(&status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: get matrix");
#if 0
// TODO: This is how we are supposed to do it. (I think).
MDataHandle dhMatrix = data.inputValue(sMatrix, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: matrix handle");
oMatrix = dhMatrix.data();
MFnMatrixData fnMatrix(oMatrix, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: matrix function set");
matrix = fnMatrix.matrix();
#endif /* 0 */
bool isDirection = dhIsDirection.asBool();
double3& vector = dhVector.asDouble3();
double mat[4][4];
double ix, iy, iz, iw; // Input vector
float ox, oy, oz, ow; // Output vector
ix = vector[0];
iy = vector[1];
iz = vector[2];
iw = isDirection ? 0.0 : 1.0;
ox = (float)(mat[0][0] * ix +
mat[1][0] * iy +
mat[2][0] * iz +
mat[3][0] * iw);
oy = (float)(mat[0][1] * ix +
mat[1][1] * iy +
mat[2][1] * iz +
mat[3][1] * iw);
oz = (float)(mat[0][2] * ix +
mat[1][2] * iy +
mat[2][2] * iz +
mat[3][2] * iw);
ow = (float)(mat[0][3] * ix +
mat[1][3] * iy +
mat[2][3] * iz +
mat[3][3] * iw);
MDataHandle dhWVector = data.outputValue(sWorldVector, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: worldVector handle");
return status;
MDataHandle dhWVectorW = data.outputValue(sWorldVectorW, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: worldVectorW handle");
return status;
dhWVector.set(ox, oy, oz);
return MS::kUnknownParameter;
return MS::kSuccess;
/* static */
void* cgfxVector::creator()
return new cgfxVector;
/* static */
MStatus cgfxVector::initialize()
MStatus status;
sVectorX = nAttr.create("vectorX", "vx",
MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create vectorX");
return status;
sVectorY = nAttr.create("vectorY", "vy",
MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create vectorY");
return status;
sVectorZ = nAttr.create("vectorZ", "vz",
MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create vectorZ");
return status;
sVector = nAttr.create("vector", "v",
sVectorX, sVectorY, sVectorZ, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create vector");
return status;
sIsDirection = nAttr.create("isDirection", "id",
MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0.0, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create isDirection");
return status;
sMatrix = mAttr.create("matrix", "m",
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create matrix");
return status;
sWorldVectorX = nAttr.create("worldVectorX", "wvx",
MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create worldVectorX");
return status;
sWorldVectorY = nAttr.create("worldVectorY", "wvy",
MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create worldVectorY");
return status;
sWorldVectorZ = nAttr.create("worldVectorZ", "wvz",
MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create worldVectorZ");
return status;
sWorldVectorW = nAttr.create("worldVectorW", "wvw",
MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0, &status);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: create worldVectorW");
return status;
sWorldVector = nAttr.create("worldVector", "wv",
sWorldVectorX, sWorldVectorY, sWorldVectorZ,
if( !status )
status.perror("cgfxVector: create worldVector");
return status;
status = addAttribute(sVector);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: addAttribute vector");
return status;
status = addAttribute(sIsDirection);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: addAttribute isDirection");
return status;
status = addAttribute(sMatrix);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: addAttribute matrix");
return status;
status = addAttribute(sWorldVector);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: addAttribute worldVector");
return status;
status = addAttribute(sWorldVectorW);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: addAttribute worldVectorW");
return status;
status = attributeAffects(sVector, sWorldVector);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: attributeAffects vector -> worldVector");
return status;
status = attributeAffects(sIsDirection, sWorldVector);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: attributeAffects isDirection -> worldVector");
return status;
status = attributeAffects(sMatrix, sWorldVector);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: attributeAffects matrix -> worldVector");
return status;
status = attributeAffects(sVector, sWorldVectorW);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: attributeAffects vector -> worldVectorW");
return status;
status = attributeAffects(sIsDirection, sWorldVectorW);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: attributeAffects isDirection -> worldVectorW");
return status;
status = attributeAffects(sMatrix, sWorldVectorW);
if (!status)
status.perror("cgfxVector: attributeAffects matrix -> worldVectorW");
return status;
return MS::kSuccess;