C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for MItDependencyGraph, including all inherited members.
atNodeLevel(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
className() | MItDependencyGraph | static |
currentDirection(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
currentFilter(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
currentItem(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
currentLevel(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
currentRelationship(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
currentTraversal(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
Direction enum name | MItDependencyGraph | |
disablePruningOnFilter() | MItDependencyGraph | |
enablePruningOnFilter() | MItDependencyGraph | |
getNodePath(MObjectArray &path) const | MItDependencyGraph | |
getNodesVisited(MObjectArray &nodesVisted) const | MItDependencyGraph | |
getPlugPath(MPlugArray &path) const | MItDependencyGraph | |
getPlugsVisited(MPlugArray &plugsVisted) const | MItDependencyGraph | |
isDirectionDownStream(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
isDone(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
isPruningOnFilter(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
isTraversalDepthFirst(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
isTraversingOverWorldSpaceDependents(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
kBreadthFirst enum value | MItDependencyGraph | |
kConnectedTo enum value | MItDependencyGraph | |
kDependsOn enum value | MItDependencyGraph | |
kDepthFirst enum value | MItDependencyGraph | |
kDownstream enum value | MItDependencyGraph | |
kEvaluationGraph enum value | MItDependencyGraph | |
kNodeLevel enum value | MItDependencyGraph | |
kPlugLevel enum value | MItDependencyGraph | |
kUpstream enum value | MItDependencyGraph | |
Level enum name | MItDependencyGraph | |
MItDependencyGraph(MObject &rootNode, MFn::Type filter=MFn::kInvalid, Direction direction=kDownstream, Traversal traversal=kDepthFirst, Level level=kNodeLevel, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
MItDependencyGraph(MPlug &rootPlug, MFn::Type filter=MFn::kInvalid, Direction direction=kDownstream, Traversal traversal=kDepthFirst, Level level=kPlugLevel, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
MItDependencyGraph(MObject &rootNode, MPlug &rootPlug, MIteratorType &infoObject, Direction direction=kDownstream, Traversal traversal=kDepthFirst, Level level=kNodeLevel, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
MItDependencyGraph(MObject &rootNode, MFn::Type filter, Direction direction, Traversal traversal, Level level, Relationship relationship, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
MItDependencyGraph(MPlug &rootPlug, MFn::Type filter, Direction direction, Traversal traversal, Level level, Relationship relationship, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
MItDependencyGraph(MObject &rootNode, MPlug &rootPlug, MIteratorType &infoObject, Direction direction, Traversal traversal, Level level, Relationship relationship, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
next() | MItDependencyGraph | |
previousPlug(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
prune() | MItDependencyGraph | |
Relationship enum name | MItDependencyGraph | |
reset() | MItDependencyGraph | |
resetFilter() | MItDependencyGraph | |
resetTo(MObject &rootNode, MFn::Type filter=MFn::kInvalid, Direction direction=kDownstream, Traversal traversal=kDepthFirst, Level level=kNodeLevel, Relationship relationship=kDependsOn) | MItDependencyGraph | |
resetTo(MPlug &rootPlug, MFn::Type filter=MFn::kInvalid, Direction direction=kDownstream, Traversal traversal=kDepthFirst, Level level=kPlugLevel, Relationship relationship=kDependsOn) | MItDependencyGraph | |
resetTo(MObject *rootNode, MPlug *rootPlug, MIteratorType &infoObject, Direction direction=kDownstream, Traversal traversal=kDepthFirst, Level level=kPlugLevel, Relationship relationship=kDependsOn) | MItDependencyGraph | |
rootNode(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
rootPlug(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
setCurrentFilter(MFn::Type filter=MFn::kInvalid) | MItDependencyGraph | |
setCurrentRelationship(Relationship relationship) | MItDependencyGraph | |
setTraversalOverWorldSpaceDependents(bool val) | MItDependencyGraph | |
thisNode(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
thisNodeHasUnknownType(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
thisPlug(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MItDependencyGraph | |
toggleDirection() | MItDependencyGraph | |
toggleLevel() | MItDependencyGraph | |
toggleTraversal() | MItDependencyGraph | |
Traversal enum name | MItDependencyGraph | |
~MItDependencyGraph() | MItDependencyGraph |